Stop the Introduction of One of the World’s Most Radical Abortion Regimes Across England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Petition to: Sajid Javid


Stop the Introduction of One of the World’s Most Radical Abortion Regimes Across England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Stop the Introduction of One of the World’s Most Radical Abortion Regimes Across England, Wales and Northern Ireland

15,043 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

You may have heard about the abortion industry’s plans to try force the Government to impose abortion on Northern Ireland from Westminster undermining the people of Northern Ireland who make decisions about their own legal framework on abortion through their democratically elected representatives at Stormont.

Unfortunately, now the lobby team at abortion provider BPAS and Stella Creasy MP have decided to go one step further while they have some momentum on the issue and are now trying to use this opportunity as a trojan horse to also introduce one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world right across England and Wales, as well as Northern Ireland.

This would involve totally dismantling abortion laws either through to 28 weeks through removal of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Persons Act (partial decriminalisation) or making this change right through to birth (full decriminalisation) through also removing the Infant Life Preservation Act.

The campaign behind this move from abortion provider BPAS have made it very clear what they want - abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth - right across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Yes, they actually stated this explicitly at their campaign launch. Ann Furedi (CEO of abortion provider BPAS) said: "I want to be very very clear….There should be no legal upper limit" [for abortion]

If their campaign succeeds, abortion will be legal right up to the day that the baby is due. Babies will be able to be aborted for any reason whatsoever.

The current law, as it stands, will be completely dismantled.

This week they are cynically trying to force the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, to bring forward the date that the draft Domestic Abuse Bill is brought forward to Parliament so they can hijack this Bill and amend it to introduce their extreme abortion proposal to Parliament.

Please sign this petition to make sure that Sajid Javid knows the public want him to block any attempts by the abortion industry to hijack the Domestic Abuse Bill to introduce a radical
abortion regime across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Petition to: Sajid Javid

I understand that this week abortion campaigners are putting pressure on you to bring forward the Domestic Abuse Bill to Parliament early, so they can hijack it by bringing forward an amendment to introduce one of the world’s most radical abortion regimes right across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

An amendment to ‘decriminalise’ abortion would involve totally dismantling abortion laws either through to 28 weeks through removal of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Persons Act (partial ‘decriminalisation’) or making this change right through to birth (full ‘decriminalisation’) through also removing the Infant Life Preservation Act.

Rather than listening to the abortion lobby and giving into their extreme demands, please listen to women on this issue. A recent poll from ComRes showed that only 1% of women want to see the abortion limit raised to above the current 24-weeks and only 1% wanted to see it increased to birth. Instead 70% wanted the current abortion time limit decreased to 20 weeks or below. Women also showed very strong support for a number of other restrictions to abortion law. This demonstrates that this proposal from the abortion lobby is totally out of touch with what women actually want on this issue. The introduction of a radical abortion regime would also position us drastically away from Europe where the median gestational time limit for most abortion is 12 weeks.

It would also not be right for Westminster to undermine the devolution settlement by trying to force this extreme law change on the people of Northern Ireland; the people of Northern Ireland have to make that decision for themselves.

The Northern Ireland Assembly has considered the issue of abortion much more recently than any other parliament in the United Kingdom. In 2016, a clear majority of the Northern Ireland Assembly, including both Unionists and Nationalists, upheld the law on abortion as it currently stands.

I urge you to resist this pressure from the abortion lobby and to not let them cynically use the Domestic Abuse Bill to further their radical aims.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Sajid Javid

I understand that this week abortion campaigners are putting pressure on you to bring forward the Domestic Abuse Bill to Parliament early, so they can hijack it by bringing forward an amendment to introduce one of the world’s most radical abortion regimes right across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

An amendment to ‘decriminalise’ abortion would involve totally dismantling abortion laws either through to 28 weeks through removal of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Persons Act (partial ‘decriminalisation’) or making this change right through to birth (full ‘decriminalisation’) through also removing the Infant Life Preservation Act.

Rather than listening to the abortion lobby and giving into their extreme demands, please listen to women on this issue. A recent poll from ComRes showed that only 1% of women want to see the abortion limit raised to above the current 24-weeks and only 1% wanted to see it increased to birth. Instead 70% wanted the current abortion time limit decreased to 20 weeks or below. Women also showed very strong support for a number of other restrictions to abortion law. This demonstrates that this proposal from the abortion lobby is totally out of touch with what women actually want on this issue. The introduction of a radical abortion regime would also position us drastically away from Europe where the median gestational time limit for most abortion is 12 weeks.

It would also not be right for Westminster to undermine the devolution settlement by trying to force this extreme law change on the people of Northern Ireland; the people of Northern Ireland have to make that decision for themselves.

The Northern Ireland Assembly has considered the issue of abortion much more recently than any other parliament in the United Kingdom. In 2016, a clear majority of the Northern Ireland Assembly, including both Unionists and Nationalists, upheld the law on abortion as it currently stands.

I urge you to resist this pressure from the abortion lobby and to not let them cynically use the Domestic Abuse Bill to further their radical aims.

[Your Name]