Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

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Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

Amazon Smile removes pro-family groups from eligible charities

Every day, all over the world, Amazon delivers Prime packages. Millions of people rely on Amazon’s wide online selection and speedy delivery. Amazon users, by checking out through (instead of the can choose a charity to receive 0.5 % of the proceeds from their purchase.

However, Amazon is not a neutral company. Rather, Amazon, and in particular Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, is on a mission to promote the sexual revolution. In fact, cities competing for Amazon’s new headquarters are being screened based on “progressivism” and “inclusivity” – aka cities that forcefully promote LGBTQ lifestyles and silence dissenters.

It would appear that Amazon’s latest effort to advance the sexual revolution and silence Christian voices is by removing pro-family groups from the list of eligible Amazon Smile charities.

So essentially, when Amazon says that users can support the charity of their choice, what they really mean is that users can select only charities that fall in line with the prevailing sexual ethic of our age.

This intolerance (in the name of tolerance!) and exclusivity (in the name of inclusivity!) must be called out for what it is – discrimination against people of faith.

Please sign this petition to Amazon saying that you strongly oppose their discriminatory practices towards pro-family charities.

In order to justify their discrimination against Christian pro-family groups, Amazon claims that their decision to remove these Christian groups is based on the recommendation of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Several months ago, the SPLC published a list of hate groups across the country. This list did include some actual hate groups. However, the SPLC lumped Christian groups such as the Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, and Alliance Defending Freedom in with racist and pro-Nazi groups.

In recent years the SPLC has been completely discredited as a legit arbiter of information. They attack and defame anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Even the FBI and the U.S. Army have “deleted the [SPLC] from the[ir] lists of legitimate ‘hate crime’ resources” because it is so politically motivated.

Now, all three of those Christian groups, Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, and Alliance Defending Freedom, have been removed from the list of eligible charities for the Amazon smile program,

Amazon is discriminating against Christian pro-family groups because of their Christian beliefs. This is wrong. Please use your voice to stand up to corporate America and tell Amazon that their discrimination and intolerance is unacceptable.

Further Resources:

Message to Ireland: Say No to Abortion!

Ireland - Friday, 25th May - Referendum on the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution.

In Ireland, the right to life of the mother and of the unborn child are equally protected under the law.

The 8th Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland states that: "The state acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right."

On 25th May, the Irish people will vote in a referendum on whether or not the 8th Amendment should be retained.

But what will happen if the 8th Amendment is removed from the Constitution? Simply put: more innocent unborn babies will die...will be their mothers' wombs.

In our video, we ask the Irish not to make the same mistakes made in other countries...not to take this retrograde step...not to use violence to solve social problems...not to take the lives of their innocent children. Let us hope they stand for Life, today and always!

Join the petition and share it with your Irish friends, telling them you support them and their country in protecting life! Let's stand by the Irish, as we support them in their defence of Life! Everyone around the world: Support the Irish as they aim to SAVE THE 8TH!

Show your support by signing this petition, and send it to your Irish friends, right now, asking them to save lives and say NO to abortion on 25th of May.


Amazon Smile removes pro-family groups from eligible charities

Every day, all over the world, Amazon delivers Prime packages. Millions of people rely on Amazon’s wide online selection and speedy delivery. Amazon users, by checking out through (instead of the can choose a charity to receive 0.5 % of the proceeds from their purchase.

However, Amazon is not a neutral company. Rather, Amazon, and in particular Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, is on a mission to promote the sexual revolution. In fact, cities competing for Amazon’s new headquarters are being screened based on “progressivism” and “inclusivity” – aka cities that forcefully promote LGBTQ lifestyles and silence dissenters.

It would appear that Amazon’s latest effort to advance the sexual revolution and silence Christian voices is by removing pro-family groups from the list of eligible Amazon Smile charities.

So essentially, when Amazon says that users can support the charity of their choice, what they really mean is that users can select only charities that fall in line with the prevailing sexual ethic of our age.

This intolerance (in the name of tolerance!) and exclusivity (in the name of inclusivity!) must be called out for what it is – discrimination against people of faith.

Please sign this petition to Amazon saying that you strongly oppose their discriminatory practices towards pro-family charities.

In order to justify their discrimination against Christian pro-family groups, Amazon claims that their decision to remove these Christian groups is based on the recommendation of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Several months ago, the SPLC published a list of hate groups across the country. This list did include some actual hate groups. However, the SPLC lumped Christian groups such as the Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, and Alliance Defending Freedom in with racist and pro-Nazi groups.

In recent years the SPLC has been completely discredited as a legit arbiter of information. They attack and defame anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Even the FBI and the U.S. Army have “deleted the [SPLC] from the[ir] lists of legitimate ‘hate crime’ resources” because it is so politically motivated.

Now, all three of those Christian groups, Family Research Council, the Ruth Institute, and Alliance Defending Freedom, have been removed from the list of eligible charities for the Amazon smile program,

Amazon is discriminating against Christian pro-family groups because of their Christian beliefs. This is wrong. Please use your voice to stand up to corporate America and tell Amazon that their discrimination and intolerance is unacceptable.

Further Resources:

Message to Ireland: Say No to Abortion!

Ireland - Friday, 25th May - Referendum on the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution.

In Ireland, the right to life of the mother and of the unborn child are equally protected under the law.

The 8th Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland states that: "The state acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate that right."

On 25th May, the Irish people will vote in a referendum on whether or not the 8th Amendment should be retained.

But what will happen if the 8th Amendment is removed from the Constitution? Simply put: more innocent unborn babies will die...will be their mothers' wombs.

In our video, we ask the Irish not to make the same mistakes made in other countries...not to take this retrograde step...not to use violence to solve social problems...not to take the lives of their innocent children. Let us hope they stand for Life, today and always!

Join the petition and share it with your Irish friends, telling them you support them and their country in protecting life! Let's stand by the Irish, as we support them in their defence of Life! Everyone around the world: Support the Irish as they aim to SAVE THE 8TH!

Show your support by signing this petition, and send it to your Irish friends, right now, asking them to save lives and say NO to abortion on 25th of May.

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