Right To Life

You may have heard about the abortion industry’s plans to try force the Government to impose abortion on Northern Ireland from Westminster undermining the people of Northern Ireland who make decisions about their own legal framework on abortion through their democratically elected representatives at Stormont.

Since 42.8% of the Irish electorate (66.4% of the 64.5% who took part) voted to remove the right to life for unborn children by repealing the Eighth Amendment, Northern Ireland is one of the few regions in Europe, and the only region in the UK, where the unborn child is largely protected from abortion.

The Royal College of Nurses (RCN) are now consulting their members about whether or not the organisation should support the ‘decriminalisation’ of abortion.

The RCN are trying to maintain that this consultation is not about the time limit for abortions nor is it about conscientious refusals. To state this is either wholly ignorant of what ‘decriminalisation’ means or is disingenuous.

Earlier this year, the Government in Westminster said that the NHS would be providing free abortions in England at the expense of the British taxpayer for residents

A damning report from the Government’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) has accused one of the UK’s biggest abortion providers, Marie Stopes International, of paying its staff bonuses for encouraging women to go through with a termination.

De Mensenrechtencommissie van de Verenigde Naties beraadslaagt op dit moment over een nieuwe Opzet Algemeen Commentaar over artikel 6 van het Internationaal Verdrag inzake Burgerrechten en Politieke Rechten.

IN BRIEF: The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) are having a vote this Friday to decide whether or not to campaign in favour of removing all legal restrictions on abortion. This would mean making abortion legal up to 7 months in pregnancy, and possibly, depending on how the law is interpreted, making abortion legal up until birth.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee is currently consulting on a new Draft General Comment on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This Comment provides a particular interpretation of the Article 6 – the Right to Life – by which Article 6 is understood to support radical views on abortion and euthanasia.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee are currently consulting on a new Draft General Comment on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This Comment provides a particular interpretation of the Article 6 – the Right to Life – by which Article 6 is understood to support radical views on abortion and euthanasia.

The assisted suicide lobby ‘charity’ Dignity in Dying (DiD), formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, has launched an assisted suicide campaign-themed Snapchat-style selfie ‘filter’ for Facebook camera on Android and iOS (see photo above).

Priti Patel, the Secretary of State for International Development, has announced extra public expenditure on ‘family planning’, including ‘‘safe abortions’’, as part of the international aid budget.