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Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida

This bill has now passed the Florida House!


Each year in Florida, 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal in modern America should make our blood boil. A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in Florida through House Bill 1429 to restrict dismemberment abortion in the state. Please sign this petition now to the Florida legislature and urge them to pass House Bill 1429 into law in order to protect the 2,800 babies lost through dismemberment abortion each year in Florida.

Planned Parenthood defenders of dismemberment abortion describe it as using “surgical instruments…to remove material from the women.” But what is that “material” the doctor is removing? It is a living human baby that the doctor has just killed by tearing her limbs from her body, ripping her torso in half, and crushing her skull. That baby has the same human rights to not have her limbs, organs, skull, and brains torn apart as any other human person does!

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—the favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

Abortion is a violent, evil practice that murders a baby and destroys a mother.

Preterm, a notorious abortion center, has a website where women can share their abortion stories. Preterm says these stories are supposed to demonstrate that abortion is a normal and commonplace procedure that women experience.

However, after reading through these stories for just a few minutes it is clear that the women who have received abortions aren’t happy about it, in fact many are completely traumatized and devastated.

Listen to one woman’s story, posted just a couple of weeks ago.

“I got an abortion and ever since, I've just felt empty. It's only been 5 days... and I want to die. I regret it so much. But there's no going back. I put the pill in my mouth and held it there I thought for a second. Was I doing the right thing? And my brain, My stupid, stupid brain, Said yes.

“I should have listened to my heart. My heart was screaming at me ‘Don't swallow it.’ But my brain made me do it. I instantly regretted what I had just done. The drive home was agonizing. My boyfriend wanted me to do it. He convinced me that it was what we needed. I have so much anger towards him.”

These stories are a sobering reminder that, oftentimes, women who get abortions are the victims too. We need to be praying for these women and coming alongside them in their grief and loneliness.

That’s why it is so important that we continue to stand up and fight against abortion! Although our ultimate goal is to outlaw abortion in our lifetime, each restriction we can pass will save lives and ultimately chip away at this barbaric practice and save future pregnant mothers from a culture where this terrible decision is “a choice” they are told they can and should make.

Ask the Florida to pass House Bill 1429 now.

Further Resources:

Iowa, it’s time to ban abortion after the heartbeat is detected

Great News! This bill has just passed in the Senate!!


In modern America, we are blessed by an incredibly fast emergency response system. If an individual has a heart attack, 911 can be notified, and within just minutes paramedics are on the scene to rescue the person whose heart is failing them.

This is very good! It is a blessing from God that we are able to save so many people in emergencies through this system. Isn’t ironic however, that the same country that dispatches a team of medical professionals in just minutes to save a life is perfectly fine with snuffing out thousands of babies each year through abortion?

Obviously, we are double minded and this disregard for the most vulnerable among us, unborn babies, must be combatted. Fortunately, there is now an effort in Iowa through Senate Study Bill 3143 to outlaw abortion after the fetal heartbeat has been detected!  Senate Study Bill 3143 has just been approved by committee and will now be considered by the full legislature. Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support for this important life-saving bill!

Support for this bill is strong in the legislature. Senator Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton is a strong supporter of this Senate Study Bill 3143. She herself became pregnant at 19, but upon hearing her son’s heartbeat realized that he was not merely a clump of cells, but a living human being growing inside her body.

“These are human beings. We have the responsibility to offer them the same liberty and the same rights that you and I have,” said Senator Sinclair.

Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, stated that Iowa is moving in a pro-life direction. "This may be what our culture is ready for. Stopping a beating heart is never health care."

In Iowa, through abortion, 10 babies are killed every day. Imagine if just every month 10 school children were killed? We would demand action! We would demand that the state do something to protect these innocent little ones made in the image of God. Unborn babies are no less human than 5-year-olds. And yet, every day in the state of Iowa 10 babies are killed.

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children. We know that every abortion results in a dead baby and a damaged mother. This is something we must stand against.  

Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support Senate Study Bill 3143.

Further Resources:

Homeschooled Boy Tackled by Police in Norway

What should have been a happy homecoming to Norway for Leif and Terese Kristiansen turned into a parent’s worst nightmare when the Barnevernet (Norway’s child welfare agency) brutally removed their son, Kai, after they started homeschooling.

The family had been living in Canada, where Terese and Kai are citizens. They returned recently to Norway in search of new opportunities. But at the local public school, 12-year-old Kai became the victim of merciless bullying. School officials did not resolve the situation.

To protect Kai from further trauma, his parents did the responsible and loving thing: they removed him from the public school and immediately began to homeschool him. By choosing to homeschool their son, the Kristiansens did what the state or public school would not do . . . keep Kai safe and provide him with a healthy learning environment.

As if being the victim of school bullying wasn’t enough, on Thursday, February 9, 12-year-old Kai was hunted down and then tackled in the snow by Barnevernet agents and police.

You can watch an edited version of the video here (WARNING—the video contains violence against a child and may be extremely upsetting.)

In a Facebook video of the incident that has already been watched over 600,000 times, Kai’s mother, Terese, looks on in terror, screaming for help as Kai is chased by the police and the Barnevernet. “My son is being stolen by Barnevernet in Norway because we want to homeschool!” Terese shouted as helpless friends and neighbors watched.  

Kai can be heard screaming “No!” over and over as the police and a Barnevernet investigator attempt to subdue him and take him into custody pursuant to an order from the local authorities. 

The 12-year-old was ordered into state custody because his family chose to homeschool.  This incident adds to the troublesome track record of the Barnevernet. 

According to Ray Skorstad, a legal administrator and founder of Barnets Beste, an organization that assists parents who have had their children taken into custody by the Barnevernet, the seizure of Kai was a “brutal invasion of the family without sufficient justification.” Skorstad added that “the primary reason for taking the child was that he was not in school.”

HSLDA Director of Global Outreach Michael Donnelly spoke with Kai’s mother, Terese. “We had hoped that we would be welcomed in our own home country,” she told him. “But I am living a nightmare; I can’t believe what they did to my son.”

Donnelly has previously seen the overreach of the Barnevernet through his work on behalf of the Bodinarius family, whose children were taken because Norwegian authorities said they disagreed with the Christian values of the parents.

Donnelly said that it’s especially important for the homeschool community to support families in cases such as these. 

“An attack like this is an attack on homeschooling,” he said. “Parents are the ones who have the right to decide how their children are educated and what is best for them. Parents do not have to give a reason for homeschooling, but the Kristiansens were well-justified in taking their son out of school in order to keep him from being bullied.”

“Homeschooling is no justification to take a child by force,” he added. “This action was a gross violation of Kai’s human rights and his parents’ rights. We are calling on Norwegian officials to immediately return Kai to his parents. We will do whatever we can to see justice done for Kai.”

“As of right now, the family has been permitted only one weekly supervised two-hour visit with Kai. Although a court hearing is scheduled for February 15, it would be a miracle if the authorities were to immediately release Kai. Let’s pray that happens,” he concluded.

Skorstad said that the family’s decision to remove their son from school is what drove the state to act. “The authorities wrote that the boy needs to be in school for socialization purposes.” 

Barnevernet officials had said the family were “avoiding them,” and when the parents decided to homeschool Kai, they took custody. 

The family’s Oslo-based lawyer, Trond Olsen Næss, has denied Barnevernet’s allegation, saying that the family had been in contact with the authorities, but that the agency had moved too fast.

We are asking concerned people and homeschooling families all over the world to sign the petition and to contact the Norwegian Embassy in their country to demand justice for Kai and to acknowledge that homeschooling is not a legitimate reason to forcibly remove a child from a family.

Through our Homeschool Freedom Fund, HSLDA will be standing with the Kristiansen family, providing support and counsel. We are committed to following this case even to the European Court of Human rights if necessary.

For more information, click here:

Support efforts in Utah to ban abortion based on Down syndrome!

The Utah House has approved this measure!


Last year, CBS published a truly horrendous article about the abortion of children with Down syndrome. The headline read: “Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion.” That’s right, CBS thought that by aborting virtually every baby who has Down syndrome, Iceland is “eliminate[ing] Down syndrome.”

But unfortunately, CBS isn’t alone in arguing all babies with Down syndrome should be aborted. Some social scientists are even arguing parents who choose not to abort their child with Down syndrome should pay a fine. Tragically, 85 percent of preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome will be aborted. 

There is tremendous pressure on our government to disregard people with Down syndrome. Fortunately, there are now efforts in the Utah legislature to prohibit abortions based on down Syndrome.

As the Associated Pressed reported, House Bill 205 “would make it a misdemeanor for a doctor to perform an abortion knowing that the pregnant woman is seeking it because of a diagnosis or suspicion that the fetus has down Syndrome.” 

Please sign this petition to the Utah legislature urging them to pass this life saving legislation.

Recently, Frank Stephens, a man with Down syndrome, testified before House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, arguing that his life, and the life of every person with Down syndrome, has value. 

“Sadly, across the world, a notion is being sold that maybe we don’t need research concerning Down syndrome. Some people say prenatal screens will identify Down syndrome in the womb, and those pregnancies will just be terminated,” said Stephens. “Seriously, I don’t feel I should have to justify my existence. Is there really no place for us in the world?” 

“Let’s be America, not Iceland or Denmark,” Stephens stated, referring to the above-mentioned recent reports chronicling the extremely high abortion rate of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome in those countries.

“Whatever you learn today, please remember this,” Mr. Stephens stated, “I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living.”

Killing every unborn baby with a certain condition is not a cure for that condition—it’s straight up eugenics. It’s the same system that led to racism in this country and Nazism and the Holocaust abroad.

All people are made in the image of God and have inherent value and worth –including those born with an extra chromosome. 

Please ask the Utah legislature to pass House Bill 205 in order to protect unborn babies with Down syndrome.

Further Resources:

Ask the Mississippi legislature to ban abortion after 15 weeks!

The Missisippi House has approved this measure! It still needs to be approved by the Senate and signed into law by the Governor! But we have won the first part of the battle!!


There’s currently an effort in Mississippi to ban abortion after 15 weeks. The legislation, House Bill 1510 would save thousands of lives in Mississippi. By 15 weeks old, the unborn baby is rubbing his eyes, doing flips in his mommy’s tummy and could even be struggling with a case of the hiccups. 

These are people who deserve protection. Please sign this petition now to the Mississippi legislature asking them to approve this legislation in order to save the lives of innocent babies.

By 15 weeks, the most common form of abortion is called “Dilation and Evacuation” or D&E. “D&E” is a nice vague term for what is likely the most barbaric practice in Americadoctors literally rip unborn babies apart, limb-from-limb, and then pull their body parts out of the womb.

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—a favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

By the second trimester, babies in the womb are listening to their mother’s voice, doing summersaults, and sucking their thumb.

Each year, about 2,600 babies are aborted in Mississippi. That’s 2,600 children that are not born and that are lost forever. Many of those unborn babies were killed after 15 weeks of gestation. 

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children.

Please join in asking the Mississippi legislature to pass House Bill 1510 in order to protect the 2,600 unborn babies at risk for abortion each year.

Further Resources:


Support the Air Force colonel disciplined for holding Christian views of marriage!

The Airforce has reversed its decision! Thank you for taking action!


One of America’s core characteristics is freedom of religion. Since our founding, our nation has been committed to safeguarding and protecting the ability of all Americans to worship and honor God in the way that they see fit. At many points during out history, we supported the rights of fringe religious groups to practice their religions because our nation has always been committed to that first freedom of religious expression.

However, today, more and more Americans of faith are seeing their religious liberty chipped away at. In 21st century American, being a person who is committed to upholding what the Bible teaches can be reason for an employer to fire you or a city council to fine you.

Recently, Colonel Leland Bohannon, a highly decorated serviceman of more than two decades, was relieved of command for simply not affirming gay marriage. What was his crime? He did not sign a certificate of appreciation for a same sex couple. Please sign this petition to Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson asking her to take action on Bohannon’s behalf.

Because of this simple action, Col. Bohannon was suspended and denied a promotion. Bohannon wasn’t trying to be difficult, he wasn’t trying to make a point. He had requested a religious accommodation. But he was suspended and not given any opportunity for a promotion. Bohannon is the father of five.

So why is it that when a Christian choose to live by his religion, he is suspended and his chances for a promotion squelched? Because our country now serves the God of self-expression.

Bohannon’s situation is similar to the situation of Jack Phillips.

Jack Phillips is a Christian baker in Colorado who has been fined, harassed and defamed for his Christian conviction. He creates magnificent cakes that can only accurately be described as works of art. He declined to create a cake for a gay wedding ceremony because, as a Christian, he believes that marriage is only between one man and one woman. He was found guilty of discrimination by the state court in Colorado. The Supreme Court recently heard arguments in his case.

Across the country Christians are being told by courts and the culture to participate in celebrating same sex marriages or else. Basically, a Christian cannot conscientiously object to same-sex marriage.

This is simply religious expression –which is protected by the United States Constitution. It is unbelievable that we live in an age where Christians could be so strongly persecuted for their sincere religious convictions.

Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson has said that, "Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion."

We should hold her to that statement and ask her to take action to defend Col. Bohannon.

Further Resources:


Ask the Mississippi legislature to ban abortion after 15 weeks!

The Missisippi House has approved this measure! It still needs to be approved by the Senate and signed into law by the Governor! But we have won the first part of the battle!!


There’s currently an effort in Mississippi to ban abortion after 15 weeks. The legislation, House Bill 1510 would save thousands of lives in Mississippi. By 15 weeks old, the unborn baby is rubbing his eyes, doing flips in his mommy’s tummy and could even be struggling with a case of the hiccups. 

These are people who deserve protection. Please sign this petition now to the Mississippi legislature asking them to approve this legislation in order to save the lives of innocent babies.

By 15 weeks, the most common form of abortion is called “Dilation and Evacuation” or D&E. “D&E” is a nice vague term for what is likely the most barbaric practice in Americadoctors literally rip unborn babies apart, limb-from-limb, and then pull their body parts out of the womb.

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—a favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

By the second trimester, babies in the womb are listening to their mother’s voice, doing summersaults, and sucking their thumb.

Each year, about 2,600 babies are aborted in Mississippi. That’s 2,600 children that are not born and that are lost forever. Many of those unborn babies were killed after 15 weeks of gestation. 

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children.

Please join in asking the Mississippi legislature to pass House Bill 1510 in order to protect the 2,600 unborn babies at risk for abortion each year.

Further Resources:


Homeschooled Boy Tackled by Police in Norway

What should have been a happy homecoming to Norway for Leif and Terese Kristiansen turned into a parent’s worst nightmare when the Barnevernet (Norway’s child welfare agency) brutally removed their son, Kai, after they started homeschooling.

The family had been living in Canada, where Terese and Kai are citizens. They returned recently to Norway in search of new opportunities. But at the local public school, 12-year-old Kai became the victim of merciless bullying. School officials did not resolve the situation.

To protect Kai from further trauma, his parents did the responsible and loving thing: they removed him from the public school and immediately began to homeschool him. By choosing to homeschool their son, the Kristiansens did what the state or public school would not do . . . keep Kai safe and provide him with a healthy learning environment.

As if being the victim of school bullying wasn’t enough, on Thursday, February 9, 12-year-old Kai was hunted down and then tackled in the snow by Barnevernet agents and police.

You can watch an edited version of the video here (WARNING—the video contains violence against a child and may be extremely upsetting.)

In a Facebook video of the incident that has already been watched over 600,000 times, Kai’s mother, Terese, looks on in terror, screaming for help as Kai is chased by the police and the Barnevernet. “My son is being stolen by Barnevernet in Norway because we want to homeschool!” Terese shouted as helpless friends and neighbors watched.  

Kai can be heard screaming “No!” over and over as the police and a Barnevernet investigator attempt to subdue him and take him into custody pursuant to an order from the local authorities. 

The 12-year-old was ordered into state custody because his family chose to homeschool.  This incident adds to the troublesome track record of the Barnevernet. 

According to Ray Skorstad, a legal administrator and founder of Barnets Beste, an organization that assists parents who have had their children taken into custody by the Barnevernet, the seizure of Kai was a “brutal invasion of the family without sufficient justification.” Skorstad added that “the primary reason for taking the child was that he was not in school.”

HSLDA Director of Global Outreach Michael Donnelly spoke with Kai’s mother, Terese. “We had hoped that we would be welcomed in our own home country,” she told him. “But I am living a nightmare; I can’t believe what they did to my son.”

Donnelly has previously seen the overreach of the Barnevernet through his work on behalf of the Bodinarius family, whose children were taken because Norwegian authorities said they disagreed with the Christian values of the parents.

Donnelly said that it’s especially important for the homeschool community to support families in cases such as these. 

“An attack like this is an attack on homeschooling,” he said. “Parents are the ones who have the right to decide how their children are educated and what is best for them. Parents do not have to give a reason for homeschooling, but the Kristiansens were well-justified in taking their son out of school in order to keep him from being bullied.”

“Homeschooling is no justification to take a child by force,” he added. “This action was a gross violation of Kai’s human rights and his parents’ rights. We are calling on Norwegian officials to immediately return Kai to his parents. We will do whatever we can to see justice done for Kai.”

“As of right now, the family has been permitted only one weekly supervised two-hour visit with Kai. Although a court hearing is scheduled for February 15, it would be a miracle if the authorities were to immediately release Kai. Let’s pray that happens,” he concluded.

Skorstad said that the family’s decision to remove their son from school is what drove the state to act. “The authorities wrote that the boy needs to be in school for socialization purposes.” 

Barnevernet officials had said the family were “avoiding them,” and when the parents decided to homeschool Kai, they took custody. 

The family’s Oslo-based lawyer, Trond Olsen Næss, has denied Barnevernet’s allegation, saying that the family had been in contact with the authorities, but that the agency had moved too fast.

We are asking concerned people and homeschooling families all over the world to sign the petition and to contact the Norwegian Embassy in their country to demand justice for Kai and to acknowledge that homeschooling is not a legitimate reason to forcibly remove a child from a family.

Through our Homeschool Freedom Fund, HSLDA will be standing with the Kristiansen family, providing support and counsel. We are committed to following this case even to the European Court of Human rights if necessary.

For more information, click here:

Iowa, it’s time to ban abortion after the heartbeat is detected

Great News! This bill has just passed in the Senate!!


In modern America, we are blessed by an incredibly fast emergency response system. If an individual has a heart attack, 911 can be notified, and within just minutes paramedics are on the scene to rescue the person whose heart is failing them.

This is very good! It is a blessing from God that we are able to save so many people in emergencies through this system. Isn’t ironic however, that the same country that dispatches a team of medical professionals in just minutes to save a life is perfectly fine with snuffing out thousands of babies each year through abortion?

Obviously, we are double minded and this disregard for the most vulnerable among us, unborn babies, must be combatted. Fortunately, there is now an effort in Iowa through Senate Study Bill 3143 to outlaw abortion after the fetal heartbeat has been detected!  Senate Study Bill 3143 has just been approved by committee and will now be considered by the full legislature. Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support for this important life-saving bill!

Support for this bill is strong in the legislature. Senator Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton is a strong supporter of this Senate Study Bill 3143. She herself became pregnant at 19, but upon hearing her son’s heartbeat realized that he was not merely a clump of cells, but a living human being growing inside her body.

“These are human beings. We have the responsibility to offer them the same liberty and the same rights that you and I have,” said Senator Sinclair.

Sen. Jason Schultz, R-Schleswig, stated that Iowa is moving in a pro-life direction. "This may be what our culture is ready for. Stopping a beating heart is never health care."

In Iowa, through abortion, 10 babies are killed every day. Imagine if just every month 10 school children were killed? We would demand action! We would demand that the state do something to protect these innocent little ones made in the image of God. Unborn babies are no less human than 5-year-olds. And yet, every day in the state of Iowa 10 babies are killed.

We must remember that every abortion ends a human life that is made in the image of God. There is sanctity in each and every human life, and we must fight on all fronts to protect unborn children. We know that every abortion results in a dead baby and a damaged mother. This is something we must stand against.  

Please sign this petition to the Iowa legislature stating your support Senate Study Bill 3143.

Further Resources:

Support the bill to restrict dismemberment abortions in Florida

This bill has now passed the Florida House!


Each year in Florida, 2,800 babies are barbarically ripped apart within their mothers’ wombs through the practice of dismemberment abortion. The fact that this practice is legal in modern America should make our blood boil. A mother’s womb should be the safest place for her baby, but thousands of babies each year are killed through this barbarous practice.

Fortunately, there is now an effort in Florida through House Bill 1429 to restrict dismemberment abortion in the state. Please sign this petition now to the Florida legislature and urge them to pass House Bill 1429 into law in order to protect the 2,800 babies lost through dismemberment abortion each year in Florida.

Planned Parenthood defenders of dismemberment abortion describe it as using “surgical instruments…to remove material from the women.” But what is that “material” the doctor is removing? It is a living human baby that the doctor has just killed by tearing her limbs from her body, ripping her torso in half, and crushing her skull. That baby has the same human rights to not have her limbs, organs, skull, and brains torn apart as any other human person does!

Pro-abortion advocates—usually people who claim to support science—do everything they can to hide the scientific facts of dismemberment abortions from the mothers who fall victim to their plot. Even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy—the favorite of many liberals for his gay marriage decisions—has recognized the undeniable fact of what happens during “D&E” procedures. “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: It bleeds to death as it is torn limb from limb.Stenberg v. Carhart, 530 U.S. 914, 958–59 (2000) (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (emphasis added).

Abortion is a violent, evil practice that murders a baby and destroys a mother.

Preterm, a notorious abortion center, has a website where women can share their abortion stories. Preterm says these stories are supposed to demonstrate that abortion is a normal and commonplace procedure that women experience.

However, after reading through these stories for just a few minutes it is clear that the women who have received abortions aren’t happy about it, in fact many are completely traumatized and devastated.

Listen to one woman’s story, posted just a couple of weeks ago.

“I got an abortion and ever since, I've just felt empty. It's only been 5 days... and I want to die. I regret it so much. But there's no going back. I put the pill in my mouth and held it there I thought for a second. Was I doing the right thing? And my brain, My stupid, stupid brain, Said yes.

“I should have listened to my heart. My heart was screaming at me ‘Don't swallow it.’ But my brain made me do it. I instantly regretted what I had just done. The drive home was agonizing. My boyfriend wanted me to do it. He convinced me that it was what we needed. I have so much anger towards him.”

These stories are a sobering reminder that, oftentimes, women who get abortions are the victims too. We need to be praying for these women and coming alongside them in their grief and loneliness.

That’s why it is so important that we continue to stand up and fight against abortion! Although our ultimate goal is to outlaw abortion in our lifetime, each restriction we can pass will save lives and ultimately chip away at this barbaric practice and save future pregnant mothers from a culture where this terrible decision is “a choice” they are told they can and should make.

Ask the Florida to pass House Bill 1429 now.

Further Resources:

Support efforts in Utah to ban abortion based on Down syndrome!

The Utah House has approved this measure!


Last year, CBS published a truly horrendous article about the abortion of children with Down syndrome. The headline read: “Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion.” That’s right, CBS thought that by aborting virtually every baby who has Down syndrome, Iceland is “eliminate[ing] Down syndrome.”

But unfortunately, CBS isn’t alone in arguing all babies with Down syndrome should be aborted. Some social scientists are even arguing parents who choose not to abort their child with Down syndrome should pay a fine. Tragically, 85 percent of preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome will be aborted. 

There is tremendous pressure on our government to disregard people with Down syndrome. Fortunately, there are now efforts in the Utah legislature to prohibit abortions based on down Syndrome.

As the Associated Pressed reported, House Bill 205 “would make it a misdemeanor for a doctor to perform an abortion knowing that the pregnant woman is seeking it because of a diagnosis or suspicion that the fetus has down Syndrome.” 

Please sign this petition to the Utah legislature urging them to pass this life saving legislation.

Recently, Frank Stephens, a man with Down syndrome, testified before House Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, arguing that his life, and the life of every person with Down syndrome, has value. 

“Sadly, across the world, a notion is being sold that maybe we don’t need research concerning Down syndrome. Some people say prenatal screens will identify Down syndrome in the womb, and those pregnancies will just be terminated,” said Stephens. “Seriously, I don’t feel I should have to justify my existence. Is there really no place for us in the world?” 

“Let’s be America, not Iceland or Denmark,” Stephens stated, referring to the above-mentioned recent reports chronicling the extremely high abortion rate of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome in those countries.

“Whatever you learn today, please remember this,” Mr. Stephens stated, “I am a man with Down syndrome and my life is worth living.”

Killing every unborn baby with a certain condition is not a cure for that condition—it’s straight up eugenics. It’s the same system that led to racism in this country and Nazism and the Holocaust abroad.

All people are made in the image of God and have inherent value and worth –including those born with an extra chromosome. 

Please ask the Utah legislature to pass House Bill 205 in order to protect unborn babies with Down syndrome.

Further Resources:

Support the Air Force colonel disciplined for holding Christian views of marriage!

The Airforce has reversed its decision! Thank you for taking action!


One of America’s core characteristics is freedom of religion. Since our founding, our nation has been committed to safeguarding and protecting the ability of all Americans to worship and honor God in the way that they see fit. At many points during out history, we supported the rights of fringe religious groups to practice their religions because our nation has always been committed to that first freedom of religious expression.

However, today, more and more Americans of faith are seeing their religious liberty chipped away at. In 21st century American, being a person who is committed to upholding what the Bible teaches can be reason for an employer to fire you or a city council to fine you.

Recently, Colonel Leland Bohannon, a highly decorated serviceman of more than two decades, was relieved of command for simply not affirming gay marriage. What was his crime? He did not sign a certificate of appreciation for a same sex couple. Please sign this petition to Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson asking her to take action on Bohannon’s behalf.

Because of this simple action, Col. Bohannon was suspended and denied a promotion. Bohannon wasn’t trying to be difficult, he wasn’t trying to make a point. He had requested a religious accommodation. But he was suspended and not given any opportunity for a promotion. Bohannon is the father of five.

So why is it that when a Christian choose to live by his religion, he is suspended and his chances for a promotion squelched? Because our country now serves the God of self-expression.

Bohannon’s situation is similar to the situation of Jack Phillips.

Jack Phillips is a Christian baker in Colorado who has been fined, harassed and defamed for his Christian conviction. He creates magnificent cakes that can only accurately be described as works of art. He declined to create a cake for a gay wedding ceremony because, as a Christian, he believes that marriage is only between one man and one woman. He was found guilty of discrimination by the state court in Colorado. The Supreme Court recently heard arguments in his case.

Across the country Christians are being told by courts and the culture to participate in celebrating same sex marriages or else. Basically, a Christian cannot conscientiously object to same-sex marriage.

This is simply religious expression –which is protected by the United States Constitution. It is unbelievable that we live in an age where Christians could be so strongly persecuted for their sincere religious convictions.

Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson has said that, "Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion."

We should hold her to that statement and ask her to take action to defend Col. Bohannon.

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