Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

CitizenGO consists of 14,205,947 active citizens stopping radical lobbies from imposing their agenda on society


Defending life, family, and freedom across the world

Help Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz in her legal fight to retain freedom of conscience for doctors in Norway

Last year, we learned about the story of a brave Polish doctor fighting for physicians in Norway to exercise their right to freedom of conscience, in their work. Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz has been fighting, for herself and for other doctors to have this fundamental right respected and vindicated by the state of Norway.

She is ready to take this fight to Norway’s highest court, and, even, to an international court, if necessary.

With this petition, let us express our solidarity with the doctor, who, on our behalf, is fighting this fight, alone. Let us, therefore, utterly object to any state trampling on the basic right of every doctor – to do as their conscience dictates.

Unfortunately, as predicted, the judgement of the Lower Court (i.e., the Court of First Instance), was not successful.

And, moreover, the Lower Court’s judgment includes this absurd quote: "The fact that a woman (patient) who is requesting an IUD is referred to another doctor (other than GP of that patient), due to the GP’s conscientious objection, represents, according to this Court, a form of discrimination due to her sex. According to this Court, it is sufficient to note, that, it follows from human (physical) nature, men will not be subject to the situation that they have to go to another doctor than their GP due to the doctors conscientious objection to this type of reproductive preventive medical treatment."

It is worth recalling this story:

Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz has been a doctor for 24 years, and worked as a family doctor at the Family Outpatient Clinic in Sauherad (Sauherad legesenter) for 4 years. During this period, there was no complaint about the doctor's work. From the beginning of her employment at the clinic, management knew that Dr Jachimowicz would not agree to prescribe or insert an IUD (intrauterine device, aka the “coil”) into a woman. It should be noted, here, that, in Norway, it is not only competent gynecologists who prescribe and insert IUDs, but also family physicians in general practice.

So, from the beginning of Dr Jachimowicz’s employment, this was not a problem for the clinic, as other doctors were willing to prescribe an IUD, even though the device could malfunction. It is worthwhile to add that an IUD is not only a contraceptive, but sometimes, if a child has been conceived, the device can also cause miscarriage.

In fact, an IUD can prevent the nesting of an embryo in the uterus, and this action can result in the death of the human embryo.

Thus, the contract between the clinic and Dr Jachimowicz contained a clause which stipulated that Dr Jachimowicz would not perform these procedures. And, the management agreed to this arrangement.

Between the years 2011-2014, there was an intense debate – and, opposition to - the right of family doctors in Norway to exercise their right to freedom of conscience in their practice.

Doctors who stood their ground were subjected to detailed investigation.

And then, on January 1, 2015, a new law was passed forbidding family doctors from refusing to perform any activity on the basis of their beliefs...except, however, when lacking the appropriate skills.

But, the January, 2015 monitoring letter instructed physicians to adapt to the new regulations. And so, the issue intensified at the beginning of 2015.

In Dr Jachimowicz’s case, a state-sanctioned review of her clinic was performed by a provincial doctor, and the report included a statement that the conscience clause could not be applied in relation to the prescription and insertion of an IUD. But, the report only stated that Dr Jachimowicz declared that she "would not insert an IUD," but did not include her conscientious objection.

Throughout the Telemark region, where Dr Jachimowicz’ clinic is located, four physicians opposed these practices and did not perform them.

All of these doctors were expected to leave work on their own initiative, and three of them decided to take this step. However, Dr Jachimowicz stayed at the clinic. As a result, the managing director of the outpatient clinic fired Dr Jachimowicz from work in December, 2015.

It should be added that, while Dr Jachimowicz is a Polish woman, she speaks Norwegian (her husband is also Polish) and works, using the same methods, as doctors from Norway. Her dismissal, therefore, was not a form of discrimination on the grounds of nationality, but only on the grounds of conscience.

It is hard to believe that in Norway, a country that speaks so much about tolerance and human rights, basic freedoms, like that of freedom of conscience, are not respected.

Dr Jachimowicz was kicked out of work only because she listened to her conscience and did not want to contribute to killing. The details of the dismissal leave no doubt that her dismissal is a violation of fundamental human rights and intolerance.

On October 31st, her trial starts before the Norway’s High Court (or, Court of Second Instance).

Let us hope that this Court finds that doctors, guided by their right to freedom of conscience, may not be discriminated against.

The number of signatures signifies the number of people in defense of Dr Jachimowicz on petitions about this matter at CitizenGO. The Norwegian Ministry of Health confirmed last year that it received 120,000 signatures on her behalf regarding this issue.

It is important that we send the Norwegian Ministry of Health even more signatures, and, thus, show that we do not agree on restricting the basic right of every doctor to work in harmony with his or her conscience.

We encourage everyone to sign this petition in defense of Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz. We petition the Norwegian Minister of Health to create such legal conditions that doctors can practice their profession in harmony with conscience.

Reject the OAS Proposal to Give Special Privileges to LGBTI

This month, LGBT activists and their proxy member states plan to use the Organization of American States (OAS) to give special privileges to certain citizens on account of their sexual preferences and other related factors.

Please sign our petition to your OAS delegates asking them to reject the resolution proposed by the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, “Human rights, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and intersex traits (CP/CAJP/INF.376/17).”

Please oppose special privileges only afforded to those in the LGBTI community.

This resolution is combined within the General Assembly's report on futhering human rights. It routinely uses the undefined terms “sexual orientations and gender identity,” “gender expression,” “intersex traits,” “homophobia,” and “transphobia.” These terms have no universally agreed upon legal or scientific definition. The United Nations does not recognize these terms. In addition, these terms are not recognized in any ratified international treaty.

This allows the international body to use the ambiguity of these terms to push any agenda without consequence, such as to increase international pressure among member states to legalize same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption; to outlaw therapy for those who wish it to cope with or overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction or gender nonconformity; and to censor religious teachings on homosexuality.

CitizenGO will participate in 47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States to defend and promote life, family, democracy, and liberty throughout the western hemisphere. While doing so, we will actively fight this harmful resolution. 

We will take the petition with us to the General Assembly and distribute to delegates.

The entire resolution can be viewed here.

Discrimination and violence is wrong and should always be condemned and those responsible should be prosecuted. However, member states currently have the obligation to do so for LGBTI persons because they are human beings. This resolution recommends that LGBTI are separated as a special class of people. All human beings should be afforded the same equal human rights. 

Please understand that there is not consensus among member states to adopt this resolution. Right now, 8 member states have co-sponsored this resolution. 10 member states have expressed reservations against the resolution. We must reach those who currently have no opinion.

Our recommendation to member states is as follows: (1) request this resolution be removed from the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” and (2) vote against it as a standalone resolution. 

Please help us by signing our petition. LGBTI should not receive special privileges that others are not awarded. 


RO President and Chamber of Deputies: Don't Weaken Marriage...Don't Legislate for Civil Partnerships!

Right now, so-called Civil Partnership legislation is before Romania's Chamber of Deputies.

"Civil Partnership" is basically another term for civil marriage for those who are co-habiting, but, the main difference between civil partnership and civil marriage is that, at the moment, only men and women - under the Romanian Constitution - can enter into marriage.

So, some politicians - who wish to be seen as progressive - are saying with the mooted legislation: "Why not make civil partnership available to everyone?", and give all of the same rights to co-habiting couples as married couples.

And, of course, it sounds so reasonable.

BUT, it is NOT reasonable. In fact, it is completely UNREASONABLE. Why?

For two important reasons: 1) Principally, because marriage - and, the special rights accorded to the institution of marriage by the state - is about children, and protecting the absolute right of children to have a mother and a father in their lives, when and where possible; and, 2) Because civil partnership will inevitably and inexorably lead to so-called same-sex "marriage", same-sex adoption, and so forth.

Of course, those promoting civil partnerships legislation deny and protest against the accusation that civil partnerships will lead to same-sex "marriage", but they know better.

Most countries which legalise so-called civil partnerships also, then, legalise so-called same-sex "marriage".

In the European context, we need only look to France, the UK, Ireland and the Nordic countries, to mention just a few examples.

And, as if to underline the real, long-term objective of campaigners for same-sex "marriage" in Ireland and in the Nordic countries, as soon as same-sex "marriage" was adopted in each of those countries, civil partnerships were abolished!

That just shows that the real objective in passing civil partnerships is to "soften the ground" for the eventual legalisation of same-sex "marriage".

But, that is only logical, because after civil partnerships are made legal, those pressing for same-sex "marriage" will claim that their "rights" are being discriminated against - which will obviously include the pretend "rights" to found a family, to have children (and, therefore, for the state to pay for their IVF and surrogacy), etc.

And, of course, the national curriculum for schoolchildren will be changed to acknowledge every "form" of family, as if they were all equal.

But, here's the point: Discriminating between things which are different is not a bad thing. In this case, there is a fundamental difference between marriage, as between one man and one woman, and any other type of co-habiting relationship. It's about children and about giving children's rights priority - especially, where at all possible, for a child to be raised by his/her opposite sex parents, as a married couple.

For its part, the state should be promoting marriage as the best situation in which children are to be raised...not seeking to diminish the status of marriage to just one of many options.

Simply put, society should not put the desires of adults above those of children. It's not all about love and affection; it's about stability for children. And, studies have shown that the single best environment for children to be raised is that of a marriage between an opposite sex couple.

Now, on another, related note, it is actually appalling that Deputies and Senators should be trying to push civil partnerships at the very same time as there is a massive public demand to protect marriage, as between a man and a woman, by referendum! Last year, 3M Romanian citizens demanded their right to change the Romanian Constitution to give effect to their deeply held belief that marriage should be reserved to one man and one woman.

Thus, this latest attempt to circumvent the will of the public by the Houses of Parliament is nothing less than a slap in the face to the Romanian public.

This petition, which is directed both to the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and to the President of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea, calls on the Government to: 1) Emphatically reject civil partnerships legislation as an affront to Romanian children and families; and, 2) Pass legislation allowing for a referendum which will give constitutional protection to marriage as defined as between one man and one woman.

Thank you for signing.


USDA silences Christian farmers in Michigan!

Update: The USDA has just issued new guidance ensuring that religious beliefs, especially those relating to same-sex marriage will not be penalized! This is a very important victory. Thank you for signing this petition and protect the rights of Christians business owners. Read more:


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”

However, apparently Michigan believes the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Christians who hold the biblical view of marriage that has been accepted by every civilization since the dawn of creation.

In 2015, the USDA told Don and Ellen Vander Boon, owners of the West Michigan Beef Company, that they had to keep quiet about their convictions at work or be forced to close down their business. The Alliance Defending Freedom has recently sent a letter to President Trump asking him to take action. Please sign this petition now to the USDA so that we can add significant pressure to this case and restore First Amendment freedoms to Christians in our country!

Here’s what happened. Shortly after the Supreme Court of the United States improperly chose to redefine marriage, the oldest institution in human history founded by God Himself, the West Michigan Beef Company was abuzz with discussion of the issue. Articles celebrating gay marriage filled the break room of the company, but there weren’t any articles defending God’s view of marriage.

Don Boon simply added a respectful article to the break room that explained the biblical view of marriage. What happened next? Officials from the USDA told Don to remove the article or they would remove their stamp of approval his business—this would force Don to stop selling his meat and shut down his business

This is insane. The role of USDA is to monitor food quality, not silence Christians. The overreach of the government has gone on far too long. We need to stand with Don and Ellen Vander Boon and all Christian business owners to protect our fundamental First Amendment freedoms.

The point of the First Amendment is to protect ALL viewpoints in the public square. An attack on any viewpoint is an attack on all First Amendment freedoms. Sadly, this also appears to be just the latest in a long line of attack on Christian viewpoints. When did Christians become second-class citizens?

West Michigan Beef is a Christian-owned company. Their website is very clear about what they believe. They state publically: “Above all, West Michigan Beef seeks to glorify and honor God in all that we do.”

When did disagreeing with the prevailing sexual libertarian ethic in theory become unlawful harassment? Please sign this petition now to the USDA and demand they stop trying to use their power to silence and bully Christians.

Further Resources:

Keep abortion and contraception for children out of East Africa!

Update 6 June 2017: We won! The EALA shelved the bill, leaving it dead on arrival by the end of the term. The bill was scheduled to be debated on the May 31st before the house got dissolved but it couldn't be discussed. That means we've effectively won this campaign. Thanks so much for your support!


The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) is about to become a house of murderers! They have drafted a Bill seeking to legalise abortion and give contraceptives to children and teenagers aged 10–19.

If passed into law, the Bill (dubbed the EAC Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Bill 2017) will bind East African Community member states to legalise abortion in some cases and to provide contraceptives to all EAC citizens, including children.

EAC member states include; Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan.

The Bill, currently at committee stage is among pending business to be handled by the new EALA legislators as soon as they assume office.

Section 17(2) of the proposed Bill reads:

“The partner states shall ensure that adolescents and young persons get access to relevant quality and youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services including contraceptives and condoms. . .”

Part I (2) of the proposed Bill, describes an “Adolescent" as any person aged between 10 and 19 years. (You can read the entire text of the bill here.)

The proposed legislation also requires member states to design and implement sexual and reproductive public education. If the law is endorsed, every individual would have a right to choose and consent to any method of birth control, including sterilization, a procedure in which a woman artificially made so that she cannot bear children again.

Under Section 15 (1), the Bill intends to legalise abortion, provided the pregnancy endangers the woman’s health and life: “The partner states shall safeguard and give effect to the reproductive rights of a woman by permitting the termination of pregnancy when in opinion of a trained health professional,” the proposed law states.

According to world experts in maternal health, however, abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of a pregnant mother. The Dubin Declaration on Maternal Healthcare reads: "As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynaecology, we affirm that direct abortion – the purposeful destruction of the unborn child – is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman. . . . We confirm that the prohibition of abortion does not affect, in any way, the availability of optimal care to pregnant women."

Thus, the proposal to legalise abortion in these instances is a smokescreen to attempt to legalise abortion for a broad variety of cases, leading to abortion-on-demand.

The spirit of this bill is ill and catastrophic, it should never see the light of day. Most of its content is inconsistent with many East African Countries' laws, since abortion is illegal in all East African countries.

The attempt to introduce the bill at this assembly should thus be stopped now! Sign the petition to send an email message to EALA legislators, urging them to kill this bill!

Mr President, Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla now!

At the end of February, 2017, Mr Omar Hasan al-Bashir, the President of the Sudan, pardoned the Czech development aid worker, Petr Jašek, after fourteen months' imprisonment in Sudanese prisons, enabling him to return to his family in the Czech Republic.

However, Pastor Hassan Kodi and student Abdulmonem Abdulmawla - Petr Jašek's co-accused - strangely remain locked-up in Sudanese prisons. They were sentenced to a 12-year sentence by a court in Khartoum on 29 January, 2017 because they were supposed to have helped Jašek in his alleged crimes.

It is not just or right that these two good men must remain in prison because their cases are receiving less international support than Petr Jašek's case, simply due to the fact that they are Sudanese nationals.

In that same regard, Petr Jašek, himself, told CitizenGO how grateful he was for the support of the hundreds of thousand of people around the world who signed petitions for his release, BUT that we must not forget Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

In fact Jašek, himself, told us: "Even though I am released, my heart is still in prison with other two brothers - Hasan and Abdulmonem, because they still reman in prison in Khartoum. WE need to continue to campaign for their release, until they are released."

By signing this petition, therefore, you are calling on Sudanese President Omar Hasan al-Bashir to immediately pardon and release Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

As CitizenGO representatives will also be personally delivering these related petitions to different EU Institutions, this petition will be directed to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, as well as to the European Parliament and the EU's Delegation to Sudan, by MEPs who are supporters of Petr Jašek, and, also, supporters of the current effort to obtain the release of Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

Thank you for signing!

In our two previous petitions, you will find all the information on the background and past developments:


EU Parliament Resolution referring to this case -


Help Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz in her legal fight to retain freedom of conscience for doctors in Norway

Last year, we learned about the story of a brave Polish doctor fighting for physicians in Norway to exercise their right to freedom of conscience, in their work. Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz has been fighting, for herself and for other doctors to have this fundamental right respected and vindicated by the state of Norway.

She is ready to take this fight to Norway’s highest court, and, even, to an international court, if necessary.

With this petition, let us express our solidarity with the doctor, who, on our behalf, is fighting this fight, alone. Let us, therefore, utterly object to any state trampling on the basic right of every doctor – to do as their conscience dictates.

Unfortunately, as predicted, the judgement of the Lower Court (i.e., the Court of First Instance), was not successful.

And, moreover, the Lower Court’s judgment includes this absurd quote: "The fact that a woman (patient) who is requesting an IUD is referred to another doctor (other than GP of that patient), due to the GP’s conscientious objection, represents, according to this Court, a form of discrimination due to her sex. According to this Court, it is sufficient to note, that, it follows from human (physical) nature, men will not be subject to the situation that they have to go to another doctor than their GP due to the doctors conscientious objection to this type of reproductive preventive medical treatment."

It is worth recalling this story:

Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz has been a doctor for 24 years, and worked as a family doctor at the Family Outpatient Clinic in Sauherad (Sauherad legesenter) for 4 years. During this period, there was no complaint about the doctor's work. From the beginning of her employment at the clinic, management knew that Dr Jachimowicz would not agree to prescribe or insert an IUD (intrauterine device, aka the “coil”) into a woman. It should be noted, here, that, in Norway, it is not only competent gynecologists who prescribe and insert IUDs, but also family physicians in general practice.

So, from the beginning of Dr Jachimowicz’s employment, this was not a problem for the clinic, as other doctors were willing to prescribe an IUD, even though the device could malfunction. It is worthwhile to add that an IUD is not only a contraceptive, but sometimes, if a child has been conceived, the device can also cause miscarriage.

In fact, an IUD can prevent the nesting of an embryo in the uterus, and this action can result in the death of the human embryo.

Thus, the contract between the clinic and Dr Jachimowicz contained a clause which stipulated that Dr Jachimowicz would not perform these procedures. And, the management agreed to this arrangement.

Between the years 2011-2014, there was an intense debate – and, opposition to - the right of family doctors in Norway to exercise their right to freedom of conscience in their practice.

Doctors who stood their ground were subjected to detailed investigation.

And then, on January 1, 2015, a new law was passed forbidding family doctors from refusing to perform any activity on the basis of their beliefs...except, however, when lacking the appropriate skills.

But, the January, 2015 monitoring letter instructed physicians to adapt to the new regulations. And so, the issue intensified at the beginning of 2015.

In Dr Jachimowicz’s case, a state-sanctioned review of her clinic was performed by a provincial doctor, and the report included a statement that the conscience clause could not be applied in relation to the prescription and insertion of an IUD. But, the report only stated that Dr Jachimowicz declared that she "would not insert an IUD," but did not include her conscientious objection.

Throughout the Telemark region, where Dr Jachimowicz’ clinic is located, four physicians opposed these practices and did not perform them.

All of these doctors were expected to leave work on their own initiative, and three of them decided to take this step. However, Dr Jachimowicz stayed at the clinic. As a result, the managing director of the outpatient clinic fired Dr Jachimowicz from work in December, 2015.

It should be added that, while Dr Jachimowicz is a Polish woman, she speaks Norwegian (her husband is also Polish) and works, using the same methods, as doctors from Norway. Her dismissal, therefore, was not a form of discrimination on the grounds of nationality, but only on the grounds of conscience.

It is hard to believe that in Norway, a country that speaks so much about tolerance and human rights, basic freedoms, like that of freedom of conscience, are not respected.

Dr Jachimowicz was kicked out of work only because she listened to her conscience and did not want to contribute to killing. The details of the dismissal leave no doubt that her dismissal is a violation of fundamental human rights and intolerance.

On October 31st, her trial starts before the Norway’s High Court (or, Court of Second Instance).

Let us hope that this Court finds that doctors, guided by their right to freedom of conscience, may not be discriminated against.

The number of signatures signifies the number of people in defense of Dr Jachimowicz on petitions about this matter at CitizenGO. The Norwegian Ministry of Health confirmed last year that it received 120,000 signatures on her behalf regarding this issue.

It is important that we send the Norwegian Ministry of Health even more signatures, and, thus, show that we do not agree on restricting the basic right of every doctor to work in harmony with his or her conscience.

We encourage everyone to sign this petition in defense of Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz. We petition the Norwegian Minister of Health to create such legal conditions that doctors can practice their profession in harmony with conscience.

Reject the OAS Proposal to Give Special Privileges to LGBTI

This month, LGBT activists and their proxy member states plan to use the Organization of American States (OAS) to give special privileges to certain citizens on account of their sexual preferences and other related factors.

Please sign our petition to your OAS delegates asking them to reject the resolution proposed by the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, “Human rights, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and intersex traits (CP/CAJP/INF.376/17).”

Please oppose special privileges only afforded to those in the LGBTI community.

This resolution is combined within the General Assembly's report on futhering human rights. It routinely uses the undefined terms “sexual orientations and gender identity,” “gender expression,” “intersex traits,” “homophobia,” and “transphobia.” These terms have no universally agreed upon legal or scientific definition. The United Nations does not recognize these terms. In addition, these terms are not recognized in any ratified international treaty.

This allows the international body to use the ambiguity of these terms to push any agenda without consequence, such as to increase international pressure among member states to legalize same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption; to outlaw therapy for those who wish it to cope with or overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction or gender nonconformity; and to censor religious teachings on homosexuality.

CitizenGO will participate in 47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States to defend and promote life, family, democracy, and liberty throughout the western hemisphere. While doing so, we will actively fight this harmful resolution. 

We will take the petition with us to the General Assembly and distribute to delegates.

The entire resolution can be viewed here.

Discrimination and violence is wrong and should always be condemned and those responsible should be prosecuted. However, member states currently have the obligation to do so for LGBTI persons because they are human beings. This resolution recommends that LGBTI are separated as a special class of people. All human beings should be afforded the same equal human rights. 

Please understand that there is not consensus among member states to adopt this resolution. Right now, 8 member states have co-sponsored this resolution. 10 member states have expressed reservations against the resolution. We must reach those who currently have no opinion.

Our recommendation to member states is as follows: (1) request this resolution be removed from the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” and (2) vote against it as a standalone resolution. 

Please help us by signing our petition. LGBTI should not receive special privileges that others are not awarded. 


USDA silences Christian farmers in Michigan!

Update: The USDA has just issued new guidance ensuring that religious beliefs, especially those relating to same-sex marriage will not be penalized! This is a very important victory. Thank you for signing this petition and protect the rights of Christians business owners. Read more:


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”

However, apparently Michigan believes the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Christians who hold the biblical view of marriage that has been accepted by every civilization since the dawn of creation.

In 2015, the USDA told Don and Ellen Vander Boon, owners of the West Michigan Beef Company, that they had to keep quiet about their convictions at work or be forced to close down their business. The Alliance Defending Freedom has recently sent a letter to President Trump asking him to take action. Please sign this petition now to the USDA so that we can add significant pressure to this case and restore First Amendment freedoms to Christians in our country!

Here’s what happened. Shortly after the Supreme Court of the United States improperly chose to redefine marriage, the oldest institution in human history founded by God Himself, the West Michigan Beef Company was abuzz with discussion of the issue. Articles celebrating gay marriage filled the break room of the company, but there weren’t any articles defending God’s view of marriage.

Don Boon simply added a respectful article to the break room that explained the biblical view of marriage. What happened next? Officials from the USDA told Don to remove the article or they would remove their stamp of approval his business—this would force Don to stop selling his meat and shut down his business

This is insane. The role of USDA is to monitor food quality, not silence Christians. The overreach of the government has gone on far too long. We need to stand with Don and Ellen Vander Boon and all Christian business owners to protect our fundamental First Amendment freedoms.

The point of the First Amendment is to protect ALL viewpoints in the public square. An attack on any viewpoint is an attack on all First Amendment freedoms. Sadly, this also appears to be just the latest in a long line of attack on Christian viewpoints. When did Christians become second-class citizens?

West Michigan Beef is a Christian-owned company. Their website is very clear about what they believe. They state publically: “Above all, West Michigan Beef seeks to glorify and honor God in all that we do.”

When did disagreeing with the prevailing sexual libertarian ethic in theory become unlawful harassment? Please sign this petition now to the USDA and demand they stop trying to use their power to silence and bully Christians.

Further Resources:

RO President and Chamber of Deputies: Don't Weaken Marriage...Don't Legislate for Civil Partnerships!

Right now, so-called Civil Partnership legislation is before Romania's Chamber of Deputies.

"Civil Partnership" is basically another term for civil marriage for those who are co-habiting, but, the main difference between civil partnership and civil marriage is that, at the moment, only men and women - under the Romanian Constitution - can enter into marriage.

So, some politicians - who wish to be seen as progressive - are saying with the mooted legislation: "Why not make civil partnership available to everyone?", and give all of the same rights to co-habiting couples as married couples.

And, of course, it sounds so reasonable.

BUT, it is NOT reasonable. In fact, it is completely UNREASONABLE. Why?

For two important reasons: 1) Principally, because marriage - and, the special rights accorded to the institution of marriage by the state - is about children, and protecting the absolute right of children to have a mother and a father in their lives, when and where possible; and, 2) Because civil partnership will inevitably and inexorably lead to so-called same-sex "marriage", same-sex adoption, and so forth.

Of course, those promoting civil partnerships legislation deny and protest against the accusation that civil partnerships will lead to same-sex "marriage", but they know better.

Most countries which legalise so-called civil partnerships also, then, legalise so-called same-sex "marriage".

In the European context, we need only look to France, the UK, Ireland and the Nordic countries, to mention just a few examples.

And, as if to underline the real, long-term objective of campaigners for same-sex "marriage" in Ireland and in the Nordic countries, as soon as same-sex "marriage" was adopted in each of those countries, civil partnerships were abolished!

That just shows that the real objective in passing civil partnerships is to "soften the ground" for the eventual legalisation of same-sex "marriage".

But, that is only logical, because after civil partnerships are made legal, those pressing for same-sex "marriage" will claim that their "rights" are being discriminated against - which will obviously include the pretend "rights" to found a family, to have children (and, therefore, for the state to pay for their IVF and surrogacy), etc.

And, of course, the national curriculum for schoolchildren will be changed to acknowledge every "form" of family, as if they were all equal.

But, here's the point: Discriminating between things which are different is not a bad thing. In this case, there is a fundamental difference between marriage, as between one man and one woman, and any other type of co-habiting relationship. It's about children and about giving children's rights priority - especially, where at all possible, for a child to be raised by his/her opposite sex parents, as a married couple.

For its part, the state should be promoting marriage as the best situation in which children are to be raised...not seeking to diminish the status of marriage to just one of many options.

Simply put, society should not put the desires of adults above those of children. It's not all about love and affection; it's about stability for children. And, studies have shown that the single best environment for children to be raised is that of a marriage between an opposite sex couple.

Now, on another, related note, it is actually appalling that Deputies and Senators should be trying to push civil partnerships at the very same time as there is a massive public demand to protect marriage, as between a man and a woman, by referendum! Last year, 3M Romanian citizens demanded their right to change the Romanian Constitution to give effect to their deeply held belief that marriage should be reserved to one man and one woman.

Thus, this latest attempt to circumvent the will of the public by the Houses of Parliament is nothing less than a slap in the face to the Romanian public.

This petition, which is directed both to the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, and to the President of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea, calls on the Government to: 1) Emphatically reject civil partnerships legislation as an affront to Romanian children and families; and, 2) Pass legislation allowing for a referendum which will give constitutional protection to marriage as defined as between one man and one woman.

Thank you for signing.


Mr President, Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla now!

At the end of February, 2017, Mr Omar Hasan al-Bashir, the President of the Sudan, pardoned the Czech development aid worker, Petr Jašek, after fourteen months' imprisonment in Sudanese prisons, enabling him to return to his family in the Czech Republic.

However, Pastor Hassan Kodi and student Abdulmonem Abdulmawla - Petr Jašek's co-accused - strangely remain locked-up in Sudanese prisons. They were sentenced to a 12-year sentence by a court in Khartoum on 29 January, 2017 because they were supposed to have helped Jašek in his alleged crimes.

It is not just or right that these two good men must remain in prison because their cases are receiving less international support than Petr Jašek's case, simply due to the fact that they are Sudanese nationals.

In that same regard, Petr Jašek, himself, told CitizenGO how grateful he was for the support of the hundreds of thousand of people around the world who signed petitions for his release, BUT that we must not forget Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

In fact Jašek, himself, told us: "Even though I am released, my heart is still in prison with other two brothers - Hasan and Abdulmonem, because they still reman in prison in Khartoum. WE need to continue to campaign for their release, until they are released."

By signing this petition, therefore, you are calling on Sudanese President Omar Hasan al-Bashir to immediately pardon and release Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

As CitizenGO representatives will also be personally delivering these related petitions to different EU Institutions, this petition will be directed to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, as well as to the European Parliament and the EU's Delegation to Sudan, by MEPs who are supporters of Petr Jašek, and, also, supporters of the current effort to obtain the release of Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

Thank you for signing!

In our two previous petitions, you will find all the information on the background and past developments:


EU Parliament Resolution referring to this case -

Keep abortion and contraception for children out of East Africa!

Update 6 June 2017: We won! The EALA shelved the bill, leaving it dead on arrival by the end of the term. The bill was scheduled to be debated on the May 31st before the house got dissolved but it couldn't be discussed. That means we've effectively won this campaign. Thanks so much for your support!


The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) is about to become a house of murderers! They have drafted a Bill seeking to legalise abortion and give contraceptives to children and teenagers aged 10–19.

If passed into law, the Bill (dubbed the EAC Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Bill 2017) will bind East African Community member states to legalise abortion in some cases and to provide contraceptives to all EAC citizens, including children.

EAC member states include; Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan.

The Bill, currently at committee stage is among pending business to be handled by the new EALA legislators as soon as they assume office.

Section 17(2) of the proposed Bill reads:

“The partner states shall ensure that adolescents and young persons get access to relevant quality and youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services including contraceptives and condoms. . .”

Part I (2) of the proposed Bill, describes an “Adolescent" as any person aged between 10 and 19 years. (You can read the entire text of the bill here.)

The proposed legislation also requires member states to design and implement sexual and reproductive public education. If the law is endorsed, every individual would have a right to choose and consent to any method of birth control, including sterilization, a procedure in which a woman artificially made so that she cannot bear children again.

Under Section 15 (1), the Bill intends to legalise abortion, provided the pregnancy endangers the woman’s health and life: “The partner states shall safeguard and give effect to the reproductive rights of a woman by permitting the termination of pregnancy when in opinion of a trained health professional,” the proposed law states.

According to world experts in maternal health, however, abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of a pregnant mother. The Dubin Declaration on Maternal Healthcare reads: "As experienced practitioners and researchers in obstetrics and gynaecology, we affirm that direct abortion – the purposeful destruction of the unborn child – is not medically necessary to save the life of a woman. . . . We confirm that the prohibition of abortion does not affect, in any way, the availability of optimal care to pregnant women."

Thus, the proposal to legalise abortion in these instances is a smokescreen to attempt to legalise abortion for a broad variety of cases, leading to abortion-on-demand.

The spirit of this bill is ill and catastrophic, it should never see the light of day. Most of its content is inconsistent with many East African Countries' laws, since abortion is illegal in all East African countries.

The attempt to introduce the bill at this assembly should thus be stopped now! Sign the petition to send an email message to EALA legislators, urging them to kill this bill!

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