Abortion is a Devolved Issue in Northern Ireland: It Must Remain That Way

Abortion Threat Northern Ireland


Abortion is a Devolved Issue in Northern Ireland: It Must Remain That Way

Abortion is a Devolved Issue in Northern Ireland: It Must Remain That Way

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Since 42.8% of the Irish electorate (66.4% of the 64.5% who took part) voted to remove the right to life for unborn children by repealing the Eighth Amendment, Northern Ireland is one of the few regions in Europe, and the only region in the UK, where the unborn child is largely protected from abortion.

There is now significant pressure on Northern Ireland and specifically on Prime Minister Theresa May to introduce abortion on demand into the region.

Theresa May has so far remained steadfast and continued to maintain that abortion is a devolved issue to be decided by the Stormont Assembly despite the fact that there have been calls from a number of MPs and other activists to force abortion in Ulster. Fortunately, abortion remains a devolved issue in Northern Ireland. This means that the parliament in Westminster cannot legislate on abortion there and so the Abortion Act 1967 does not apply.

Women from a number of major groups in Northern Ireland have come together to speak out against calls to force abortion on demand on the Six Counties. As they have rightly pointed out, their law on abortion is life-affirming and has shaped the culture in a positive fashion.

Research by Both Lives Matter, closely scrutinised and upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority, has found that 100,000 individuals are alive in Northern Ireland today who would not be if we had introduced the Abortion Act 1967. As the ASA put it:

“On balance, we concluded that the evidence indicated that there was a reasonable probability that around 100,000 people were alive in Northern Ireland today who would have otherwise been aborted had it been legal to do so”.

Like many in Northern Ireland, we support legislation which upholds the value and worth of both mothers and unborn children. In all likelihood there are 100,000 people alive in Ulster today because of the abortion law there. The Republic of Ireland has just made a huge mistake even if they do not yet realise it. Northern Ireland must not make the same.

Please sign this petition to Theresa May and Karen Bradley to encourage in continuing to ensure that abortion remains a devolved issue in Northern Ireland.



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Abortion is a Devolved Issue in N. Ireland - You must keep it that way

For the attention of Prime Minister Theresa May and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Karen Bradley MP.

Dear Mrs May and Mrs Bradley,

In the light of the repeal of the Eighth Amendment from the Irish Constitution, I understand that you have been put under pressure in regard to abortion legislation in Northern Ireland.

As you are fully aware, abortion remains a devolved issue to be dealt with by Stormont and not Westminster, and I thank you for upholding this principle.

It would not be right for the UK Government to undermine the devolution settlement by trying to force on the people of Northern Ireland something that some in Westminster may support; their democratic right have to make that decision for themselves must be respected.

The Stormont Assembly has considered the issue of abortion much more recently than any other parliament in the United Kingdom. In 2016, a clear majority of MLAs, including both Unionists and Nationalists, upheld the law on abortion as it currently stands.

A recent ComRes survey of the House of Commons shows that 72% of Tory MPs reject Westminster undermining devolution to impose abortion on demand on Northern Ireland, with only 9% of MPs supporting undermining devolution.

This shows that interfering with devolution in Northern Ireland does not have the support of the great majority of Conservative Parliamentarians.

On this issue you have my support and I want you to continue to ensure that abortion remains a devolved issue in Northern Ireland.

[Your Name]

Abortion is a Devolved Issue in N. Ireland - You must keep it that way

For the attention of Prime Minister Theresa May and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Karen Bradley MP.

Dear Mrs May and Mrs Bradley,

In the light of the repeal of the Eighth Amendment from the Irish Constitution, I understand that you have been put under pressure in regard to abortion legislation in Northern Ireland.

As you are fully aware, abortion remains a devolved issue to be dealt with by Stormont and not Westminster, and I thank you for upholding this principle.

It would not be right for the UK Government to undermine the devolution settlement by trying to force on the people of Northern Ireland something that some in Westminster may support; their democratic right have to make that decision for themselves must be respected.

The Stormont Assembly has considered the issue of abortion much more recently than any other parliament in the United Kingdom. In 2016, a clear majority of MLAs, including both Unionists and Nationalists, upheld the law on abortion as it currently stands.

A recent ComRes survey of the House of Commons shows that 72% of Tory MPs reject Westminster undermining devolution to impose abortion on demand on Northern Ireland, with only 9% of MPs supporting undermining devolution.

This shows that interfering with devolution in Northern Ireland does not have the support of the great majority of Conservative Parliamentarians.

On this issue you have my support and I want you to continue to ensure that abortion remains a devolved issue in Northern Ireland.

[Your Name]