Blood Money – Stop Taxpayers Funding Staff Bonuses For Pressuring Women Into Abortions

Petition to: Jeremy Hunt


Blood Money – Stop Taxpayers Funding Staff Bonuses For Pressuring Women Into Abortions

Blood Money – Stop Taxpayers Funding Staff Bonuses For Pressuring Women Into Abortions

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A damning report from the Government’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) has accused one of the UK’s biggest abortion providers, Marie Stopes International, of paying its staff bonuses for encouraging women to go through with a termination.

Staff at the Maidstone clinic described the abortion operation as a “cattle market culture” where they felt “encouraged” to ensure women went through with abortions because it was “linked to their performance bonus”. The CQC also found that parents, partners or friends of pregnant women who might persuade them to think again about the termination were “seen as an inconvenience” and that “their presence was strongly discouraged”.

Inspectors also raised concerns that girls under the age of 16 were undergoing abortions without being made fully aware of the consequences and risks. It said: “Staff without appropriate safeguarding training were making decisions about the treatment of children attending the clinic.”

At all 70 Marie Stopes Clinics, inspectors found evidence of a policy where staff would use a high-pressure sales tactic where they would schedule in follow-up calls to women who had decided against a termination to offer them another appointment while they were still in the early stages of pregnancy.

Inspectors also uncovered minutes of a meeting which referred to a “company-wide focus on DNPs” – Did Not Proceed women who had decided not to go through with an abortion – who would then be called and offered another appointment.

All of this belies the claims of the abortion industry that they only exist to provide women with ‘choice’ and ensure ‘autonomy. Quite the contrary, the CQC Report noted that:

“Staff were also concerned that the pressurised environment and linking of KPIs to performance bonuses meant that there was a culture that worked against patient choice… One staff member describe it as “feeling like a hamster in a wheel” and said the word, “Cattle market” came up quite a lot”.

Working “against patient choice”; treating women like “cattle”. This is the reality of the abortion industry.

This latest controversy is only the tip of the iceberg with a number of other other problems being found at Marie Stopes International clinics over the last year. A highly critical Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report published in December 2016 found major safety flaws at MSI clinics, with more than 2,600 serious incidents reported in 2015 including including doctors going home with women under sedation and foetuses being put in waste bins rather than cremated. Then MSI hit the headlines with news that they carried out nearly 400 botched abortions in just one month, earlier this year.

Taxpayer funded

Marie Stopes has 70 abortion clinics across the UK, carries out 70,000 abortions each year and 90 percent of the tens of millions of pound each year they spend on providing abortions comes directly from taxpayers as they have cornered many clinical commissioning group contracts for providing abortions on the NHS.

They have centralised these services around ‘industrial sized’ abortion facilities such as their South London operation, now UK’s largest abortion clinic, which last year did almost 9,000 abortions.

Their CEO is also pocketing one of the largest charity salaries in the country with a report last year showing her had taken home over £1,000,000 over two years.

For over a year, abuses have been found at MSI facilities, and enough is enough. It’s time that the Government called time on MSI, and withdraw funding entirely for abortions to carried out at their facilities.

Please sign this petition to call on the Government to withdraw all taxpayer funding for MSI, to make sure that no more women go through abusive exploitation at the hands of their industrial approach to women’s health and the destruction of unborn children. 

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Petition to: Jeremy Hunt

To Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health:

Dear Mr. Hunt,

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released yet another report listing abuses by Marie Stopes International (MSI) in their Maidstone clinic. This report has found that:

  • Staff have been encouraged to maximise the number of abortion performed, as this was linked to their performance bonuses.
  • Staff have pursued women who choose not to go for an abortion to encourage them to go through with it after all.
  • That the culture of MSI “worked against patient choice”, with procedures such as contraceptive implants performed on patients under pressure, and women being likened to “cattle”.
  • Parents, partners or friends of pregnant women who might persuade them to think again about the termination were “seen as an inconvenience” and that “their presence was strongly discouraged”.
  • Concerns were raised that girls under the age of 16 were undergoing abortions without being made fully aware of the consequences and risks.
  • Staff without appropriate safeguarding training were making decisions about the treatment of children attending the clinic.

This is the latest example of a series of abuses found by the CQC for over a year at MSI facilities. If this is how they act under the strict regulation of the CQC, they have clearly not determined to properly mend their ways.

It is time for MSI and other abortion providers to be sent a clear message that the abuse and exploitation of women is not acceptable. We/I call on you to formally withdraw all state funding from MSI in order that that no more women go through the industrial approach to women’s health and the destruction of unborn children that they practise.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Jeremy Hunt

To Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health:

Dear Mr. Hunt,

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has released yet another report listing abuses by Marie Stopes International (MSI) in their Maidstone clinic. This report has found that:

  • Staff have been encouraged to maximise the number of abortion performed, as this was linked to their performance bonuses.
  • Staff have pursued women who choose not to go for an abortion to encourage them to go through with it after all.
  • That the culture of MSI “worked against patient choice”, with procedures such as contraceptive implants performed on patients under pressure, and women being likened to “cattle”.
  • Parents, partners or friends of pregnant women who might persuade them to think again about the termination were “seen as an inconvenience” and that “their presence was strongly discouraged”.
  • Concerns were raised that girls under the age of 16 were undergoing abortions without being made fully aware of the consequences and risks.
  • Staff without appropriate safeguarding training were making decisions about the treatment of children attending the clinic.

This is the latest example of a series of abuses found by the CQC for over a year at MSI facilities. If this is how they act under the strict regulation of the CQC, they have clearly not determined to properly mend their ways.

It is time for MSI and other abortion providers to be sent a clear message that the abuse and exploitation of women is not acceptable. We/I call on you to formally withdraw all state funding from MSI in order that that no more women go through the industrial approach to women’s health and the destruction of unborn children that they practise.

[Your Name]