Say NO to assisted suicide in New York

Petition to: New York State Senate


Say NO to assisted suicide in New York


Say NO to assisted suicide in New York

680 hebben getekend.

UPDATE: The legislative session ended at midnight on June 25, leaving the assisted suicide bill without a vote. We won! Congratulations on this great success!


The New York Senate Health Committee is currently considering a bill that would legalize physician assisted suicide.

Bill S5814 "authorizes a physician with a bona fide physician-patient relationship with a patient with a terminal illness or condition to prescribe a lethal dose of the medication to be self-administered."

This bill demeans the value of human life and it would put the health and safety of the elderly and the infirm at risk.

The bill is currently being considered by the New York Senate Health Committee. The Committee has the opportunity to stall this bill before it goes any further towards becoming law.

New York residents must act NOW to tell the Health Committee that they oppose this bill.

By signing this petition, you will be sending an email to the Health Committee chair, vice chair, and members, to tell them to oppose this bill. There are only two weeks left in the New York Senate session, and the Senate may try to rush a vote before the end of the session.

If we are silent now, our voices may never be heard on this issue. Laws that allow for assisted suicide in other states have led to countless deaths, and the system has been abused to steal the lives of those who would have otherwise had a chance to live. This is far too dangerous an issue for us to remain silent on.

Legalized Assisted Suicide endangers the weak and vulnerable, corrupts the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient relationship, compromises the family and intergenerational commitments, and betrays human dignity and equality before the law. In Oregon, the Suicide Prevention Fund became non-existent after they passed their assisted suicide law. This would be a great detriment to New York after all the great work that has been accomplished to prevent suicide.

Finances become more important than healing the person when suicide is legalized. Sad stories do not make good laws! Legalized assisted suicide abandons human being to their suffering, taking even love away from them. True love is providing proper palliative care.

The majority of Americans oppose assisted suicide legislation, and lawmakers should respect the views of their constituents by respecting LIFE and saying NO to assisted suicide.


680 hebben getekend.

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Say NO to assisted suicide

Health Committee Members, 

I urge you to oppose Bill S5814, which would legalize physician assisted suicide. Legalizing assisted suicide demeans the value of human life and puts the elderly and infirm at risk for abuse.

As your constituent, I will be watching to ensure that you respect the dignity of human life by voting NO on Bill S5814.

[Your Name]

Say NO to assisted suicide

Health Committee Members, 

I urge you to oppose Bill S5814, which would legalize physician assisted suicide. Legalizing assisted suicide demeans the value of human life and puts the elderly and infirm at risk for abuse.

As your constituent, I will be watching to ensure that you respect the dignity of human life by voting NO on Bill S5814.

[Your Name]