Stop Assisted Suicide!

Petition to: Gov. Chris Christie


Stop Assisted Suicide!

Stop Assisted Suicide!

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The New Jersey assisted suicide bill narrowly passed (4 - 3) in the Senate Health Services and Senior Citizens Committee yesterday after hearing four hours of testimony on the bill. Assisted Suicide Bill 382 will go to the New Jersey Senate where it will likely go to a vote on Thursday, Dec 18.

Contact the New Jersey Senators and tell them to reject assisted suicide bill 382. It is not safe. Sign the petition to Gov. Christie.

The elderly and the sick are gravely at risk in New Jersey. The New Jersey Assembly just passed bill A2270, a bill to legalize assisted suicide by a vote of 41-31. We know that this bill, if signed into law, would put vulnerable elders and persons with disabilities at risk! We must call upon Governor Christie to stop this terrible bill from becoming law!

The assisted suicide lobby was able to manipulate the Assembly into bringing the issue to a vote because they wanted to capitalize on the death of Brittany MaynardEvery year in New Jersey, it is estimated that out of 1 ½ million people over age 60, there are 175,000 reported and unreported cases of abuse. That means this bill's victims are vulnerable and do not have the sort of support and control assisted suicide proponents take for granted. We know innocent people will die because of this bad social policy.

We've seen in Oregon how individuals are able to obtain lethal prescription doses of poison without any psychological consultation, even when they have a history of severe depression, suicidality, and paranoia! How many people will choose assisted suicide in a state of depression, without any psychological support or help?

Nancy Elliott, a member of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, spoke with Governor Christie about his position last June. She said, “I had the opportunity to speak with Governor Chris Christie from New Jersey. I know that a lot of you are concerned about the Assisted Suicide bill that passed the Health Committee in New Jersey. He assured me vehemently that he has not changed his position on Assisted Suicide, that he would veto it if it came to his desk and that as long as he was the Governor of New Jersey this was not going to become law.”

Now is the time to ensure Governor Christi follows through on his promise. Join with us by signing this petition to the Governor, asking him to VETO this terrible assisted suicide legislation!

More Information On Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Blog!


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Petition to: Gov. Chris Christie

Dear Governor Christie,

I urge you to veto the assisted suicide bill A 2270. 

Through this bill vulnerable elders will be put at risk. Every year in New Jersey, it is estimated that out of 1 ½ million people over age 60, there are 175,000 reported and unreported cases of abuse. 

Depressed people will be harmed by this bill. Oregonian Michael Freeland, where assisted suicide is legal, easily obtained a lethal prescription for his terminal diagnosis, despite a 43-year history of severe depression, suicide attempts, and paranoia. The prescribing doctor said he didn't think a psychological consult was "necessary." Oregon’s statistics for the last four years show that an absurdly low 2% of patients were referred for a psychological evaluation.  

Please think about New Jersey residents, elders and disabled people who may be vulnerable and without the sort of support and control assisted suicide proponents take for granted, innocent people who will be impacted by this piece of bad social policy.

A2270 is not safe. Assisted suicide is not safe.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Gov. Chris Christie

Dear Governor Christie,

I urge you to veto the assisted suicide bill A 2270. 

Through this bill vulnerable elders will be put at risk. Every year in New Jersey, it is estimated that out of 1 ½ million people over age 60, there are 175,000 reported and unreported cases of abuse. 

Depressed people will be harmed by this bill. Oregonian Michael Freeland, where assisted suicide is legal, easily obtained a lethal prescription for his terminal diagnosis, despite a 43-year history of severe depression, suicide attempts, and paranoia. The prescribing doctor said he didn't think a psychological consult was "necessary." Oregon’s statistics for the last four years show that an absurdly low 2% of patients were referred for a psychological evaluation.  

Please think about New Jersey residents, elders and disabled people who may be vulnerable and without the sort of support and control assisted suicide proponents take for granted, innocent people who will be impacted by this piece of bad social policy.

A2270 is not safe. Assisted suicide is not safe.

[Your Name]