Save the weak and vulnerable: Stop assisted suicide!

Stop Assisted Suicide in Canada!


Save the weak and vulnerable: Stop assisted suicide!

Save the weak and vulnerable: Stop assisted suicide!

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We've known this moment was coming since last year's Supreme Court ruling, demanding that the government take action on assisted suicide. Now a bill has been introduced into Parliament to legalize assisted suicide...

It's do or die to STOP the killing of the weak and vulnerable in Canada. Officials have said of this bill that a patient does not even have to have a terminal condition, and have cited the example of someone with an immune system deficiency which simply leaves them vulnerable to lethal infections.

Though the bill mentions conscience rights of health care professionals in its preamble, it does not protect conscience rights for physicians! Health Minister Philpott has said the provinces and territories and health professionals’ regulatory bodies would determine whether health care professionals will be required to refer patients if they refuse to participate.

Laws prohibiting assisted suicide protect people with disabilities, the elderly, and other people. They also help ensure that a doctor’s oath – to do no harm – could be upheld. Permitting assisted suicide strips the "duty of care" which doctors owe to their patients of all meaning.

One bioethicist at McGill University, Margaret Somerville, says that assisted suicide “legaliz[es] the intentional infliction of death on our most vulnerable citizens — those who are old, frail, disabled, depressed, mentally, physically, or terminally ill…”

Canada should be known for its welcoming hospitality, friendly people, and beautiful landscape, not for assisted suicide.

Please sign the petition to stop assisted suicide in Canada. Your petition signature will be emailed immediately to Prime Minister Trudeau, Justice Minister Wilson-Raybould, and Health Minister Philpott, expressing your opposition to this dreadful bill!

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No Assisted Suicide in Canada!

Prime Minister Trudeau, Justice Minister Wilson-Raybould, and Health Minister Philpott,

Assisted suicide is an attack against the lives and dignity of vulnerable Canadians. It also puts doctors—whose first duty is to "do no harm"—in a hostile and adversarial situation, setting up future clashes between doctor and patient rights. Inevitably, assisted suicide puts disabled persons and vulnerable elders at risk.

This is a bad social policy that ultimately causes innocent people to be killed. Everywhere else that assisted suicide has been legalized, marginalized individuals who lack community support slip through the cracks and are manipulated into suicide. This is a Pandora's Box that cannot be narrowly tailored: the categories of individuals affected by assisted suicide will slowly include more and more people.

I encourage you to withdraw support from or otherwise oppose the currently proposed assisted suicide bill before Parliament. This would be an unprecedented disaster for our nation.

Canada should be known for our welcoming hospitality, friendly people, and beautiful landscape—not assisted suicide.

[Your Name]

No Assisted Suicide in Canada!

Prime Minister Trudeau, Justice Minister Wilson-Raybould, and Health Minister Philpott,

Assisted suicide is an attack against the lives and dignity of vulnerable Canadians. It also puts doctors—whose first duty is to "do no harm"—in a hostile and adversarial situation, setting up future clashes between doctor and patient rights. Inevitably, assisted suicide puts disabled persons and vulnerable elders at risk.

This is a bad social policy that ultimately causes innocent people to be killed. Everywhere else that assisted suicide has been legalized, marginalized individuals who lack community support slip through the cracks and are manipulated into suicide. This is a Pandora's Box that cannot be narrowly tailored: the categories of individuals affected by assisted suicide will slowly include more and more people.

I encourage you to withdraw support from or otherwise oppose the currently proposed assisted suicide bill before Parliament. This would be an unprecedented disaster for our nation.

Canada should be known for our welcoming hospitality, friendly people, and beautiful landscape—not assisted suicide.

[Your Name]