Stop Assisted Suicide in California!

Petition to: Governor Jerry Brown


Stop Assisted Suicide in California!


Stop Assisted Suicide in California!

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Latest UPDATE: We won! Although the bill passed the state Senate last month, the authors concluded that it did not have enough support to pass the Assembly Health Committee and withdrew it from a scheduled hearing. The assisted suicide threat is over for the year.... and we contributed to that success! Thank you for your help!

URGENT UPDATE: This Frankenstein bill is back from the dead... It made it out of a "dustbin" committee and passed out of the legislature. It is now headed to Governor Jerry Brown's desk. We need to redouble our efforts to stop this terrible bill from becoming law! Sign the petition to the Governor and send it to your friends!


If this assisted suicide bill reaches his desk, California Governor Jerry Brown MUST veto it!

Sign our petition urging California Governor Jerry Brown to veto the proposed assisted suicide bill (S.B. 128).

The California assisted suicide bill (S.B. 128) protects doctors and other participants who conspire and participate in a patient's death, including family members—but it does not protect patients. It fails to protect patients in three ways:

  • It takes the teeth out of patient protections;
  • It requires the death certificate, which is the official cause of death, to reflect a natural death, rather than assisted suicide; and
  • It lacks transparency; in Oregon, similar confidentiality provisions preclude disclosure to law enforcement.

Patient choice and control is not assured by SB 128. Instead, it is a recipe for patient abuse. Healthcare providers may steer patients toward suicide, and a suicidal trend among patients may develop.

Marilyn Golden, Senior Policy Analyst for the California-based Disability Rights Education Defense Fund, told the Los Angeles Times that:

If this bill passes, some people’s lives will be ended without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. No safeguards have ever been enacted or proposed that can prevent this outcome, which can never be undone.

Assisted suicide bill S.B. 128 was introduced in the California Senate on January 21, 2015. On March 25, the bill passed in the Senate Health Committee, and on April 7, it passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The bill has not yet gone to a vote in the California Senate or the California House, but the assisted suicide lobby is running a huge campaign in California. If this bill reaches his desk, Governor Jerry Brown must veto it. Sign this petition to tell Governor Brown what you think of this bill! 

Urge California Governor Jerry Brown to veto this terrible assisted suicide bill (S.B. 128). With your help, we can ensure that Governor Brown will not allow this bill to become law. 

To stay up to date on euthanasia and assisted suicide issues please visit


Additional Resources: 

Information about the California Assisted Suicide Bill:

What's wrong with assisted suicide bills: 

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Petition to: Governor Jerry Brown

Dear Governor Brown,

I am asking you to protect Californians. I am asking you to veto the assisted suicide bill ABX2-15.

This assisted suicide bill has been sold to legislators as a means of providing greater choice and control over one's death. This is not true. As the national disability rights leader, Diane Coleman stated:

"Who actually has choice and control under assisted suicide laws? Anyone could ask their doctor for assisted suicide, but the law gives the authority to doctors to determine who is eligible. Doctors make the determination that a person is terminally ill and likely to die in six months, and that the request for assisted suicide is voluntary and informed. The advertised “safeguards” in assisted suicide bills are entirely in the hands of doctors, from the diagnosis, prognosis, disclosures, request form, decision whether to refer for psychological assessment, prescription and report after death."

Abuse of the law likely, especially with the imprecise language in the bill. Abuse of assisted suicide laws results in death. Marilyn Golden, Senior Policy Analyst for the California based Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, stated in an article published in the Los Angeles Times concerning the earlier version of the bill:

“If this bill passes, some people’s lives will be ended without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. No safeguards have ever been enacted or proposed that can prevent this outcome, which can never be undone.”

Please protect Californians. Veto assisted suicide bill ABX2-15


[Your Name]

Petition to: Governor Jerry Brown

Dear Governor Brown,

I am asking you to protect Californians. I am asking you to veto the assisted suicide bill ABX2-15.

This assisted suicide bill has been sold to legislators as a means of providing greater choice and control over one's death. This is not true. As the national disability rights leader, Diane Coleman stated:

"Who actually has choice and control under assisted suicide laws? Anyone could ask their doctor for assisted suicide, but the law gives the authority to doctors to determine who is eligible. Doctors make the determination that a person is terminally ill and likely to die in six months, and that the request for assisted suicide is voluntary and informed. The advertised “safeguards” in assisted suicide bills are entirely in the hands of doctors, from the diagnosis, prognosis, disclosures, request form, decision whether to refer for psychological assessment, prescription and report after death."

Abuse of the law likely, especially with the imprecise language in the bill. Abuse of assisted suicide laws results in death. Marilyn Golden, Senior Policy Analyst for the California based Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, stated in an article published in the Los Angeles Times concerning the earlier version of the bill:

“If this bill passes, some people’s lives will be ended without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. No safeguards have ever been enacted or proposed that can prevent this outcome, which can never be undone.”

Please protect Californians. Veto assisted suicide bill ABX2-15


[Your Name]