Keep homosexuality and abortion out of your agenda



Keep homosexuality and abortion out of your agenda

Keep homosexuality and abortion out of your agenda

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Sign this petition to ask the Heads of Governments meeting not to push abortion and homosexuality to Africa.

This week the UK will host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) where leaders will gather in London and Windsor to address the shared global challenges we face and agree actions on how to create a better future for all.

The heads of state from Commonwealth countries are meeting in the United Kingdom from April 16th-20th.  London will be playing host to a four day session that will be opened by the Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Theresa May. The heads , who are supposed to discuss important inter-government and bi-literal trade issues, are now being forced by several players to shift focus instead to discuss abortion and homosexuality! 

There is a lot of pressure on them to discuss murder of babies and legalization of homosexuality in developing countries. Yes, Gay civil societies are all over in London in the United Kingdom ready to start the immense lobbying for abortion and LGBT to be pushed down the throats of developing nations-Africa included. While these are not a priority in developing countries, they are also misplaced and against the basic human rights and laws especially in Africa .

While it is the freedom of the Heads of Governments to discuss whatever they want in their summit, it is not within their freedom to push for mass murder of babies and legalisation of homosexuality even in countries that do not need them. 

We wish to remind the heads of the states the following :-

-That Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, recognises the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family as the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

-That the Singapore Declaration of Commonwealth Principles, 1971, affirms that each Member is an independent sovereign state responsible for its own policies


AFFIRM the inherent dignity of every human person, being made in the image of the Creator, the sole source of fundamental human rights to which every human being is entitled.

REITERATE that nothing in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person, any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth therein.

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My SignIt

Dear heads of governments,

Please keep abortion and LGBT agenda out of developing countries. We have noted that certain advocacy groups, transnational actors and even governments have sought to impose such unfounded “rights” upon nations and peoples in violation of their sovereignty and in violation of universal moral principles that are the bases of genuine fundamental rights. So much pressure is being put on you to legalize murder of unborn babies and perverted behaviours like homosexuality in developing countries by anti-family civil society.

We have also noted that there will be several programs happening and very anti-family speakers have been scheduled. We call upon all heads of governments and actors thereof participating in this very important meeting to  AFFIRM the inherent dignity of every human person, being made in the image of the Creator, the sole source of fundamental human rights to which every human being is entitled and also to REITERATE that nothing in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person, any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth therein.

[Your Name]

My SignIt

Dear heads of governments,

Please keep abortion and LGBT agenda out of developing countries. We have noted that certain advocacy groups, transnational actors and even governments have sought to impose such unfounded “rights” upon nations and peoples in violation of their sovereignty and in violation of universal moral principles that are the bases of genuine fundamental rights. So much pressure is being put on you to legalize murder of unborn babies and perverted behaviours like homosexuality in developing countries by anti-family civil society.

We have also noted that there will be several programs happening and very anti-family speakers have been scheduled. We call upon all heads of governments and actors thereof participating in this very important meeting to  AFFIRM the inherent dignity of every human person, being made in the image of the Creator, the sole source of fundamental human rights to which every human being is entitled and also to REITERATE that nothing in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person, any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth therein.

[Your Name]