Limit Assisted Suicide in Washington State!



Limit Assisted Suicide in Washington State!

Limit Assisted Suicide in Washington State!

614 have signed. Let's get to 1,000!

Physician assisted suicide is unnecessary, unethical, and unsafe. In short, allowing physicians to take part in killing their patients fundamentally changes the role of the doctor. A doctor must preserve life, not end it.

Tragically, since 2008, assisted suicide has been legal in the state of Washington. Fortunately, there is a new piece of legislation that could help protect vulnerable patients. SB 5433 would require physicians to notify patients of alternatives to assisted suicide before prescribing a lethal drug.

This is simple common sense! Patients should not be pressured into taking their own lives without all the information. Doctors should be required to provide patients with the full range of treatment options rather than merely counseling death.

This bill is still in committee. Please sign this petition now to the State Senate Committee on Law & Justice to pass this bill so that it can be considered by the entire legislature.

The text of this bill states: “Revises the state death with dignity act to require an attending physician to inform the patient of feasible alternatives, including the treatment for the purpose of cure and the treatment for the purpose of extending the patient's life, to ensure that the patient is making an informed decision." 

The legislation is receiving a hearing on February 7th. Please sign this petition now to express your support before the hearing!

Our elderly and our sick neighbors deserve to be loved, cherished, and respected. Assisted suicide disposes of the weak in our society. We need to make sure that doctors are required to fully inform their patients before prescribing lethal drugs. Maybe some of the sick and elderly will choose life if they have all of the options!

This bill is common sense. Our society, and especially our doctors, should not be allowed to favor death! Let’s fight against the culture of death that makes this bill necessary. We must affirm the dignity of the elderly and vulnerable and fight to ensure safeguards against the legally sanctioned killing that is assisted suicide.

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Please support SB 5433

Senate Committee on Law & Justice,

It has come to my attention that you are considering SB 5433, which would require physicians to notify patients of alternatives to assisted suicide before prescribing a lethal drug.

I believe this is common sense legislation and a needed safeguard. Doctors should be required to provide patients with the full range of treatment options rather than merely counseling terminating life.

I think that our elderly and our sick deserve to be loved, cherished, and respected. By passing this legislation, you would demonstrate that our State wants to safe guard the rights of even the weakest among us. We must affirm the dignity of the elderly and vulnerable and fight to ensure safeguards against the legally sanctioned killing that is assisted suicide.

Thank you for your consideration!

[Your Name]

Please support SB 5433

Senate Committee on Law & Justice,

It has come to my attention that you are considering SB 5433, which would require physicians to notify patients of alternatives to assisted suicide before prescribing a lethal drug.

I believe this is common sense legislation and a needed safeguard. Doctors should be required to provide patients with the full range of treatment options rather than merely counseling terminating life.

I think that our elderly and our sick deserve to be loved, cherished, and respected. By passing this legislation, you would demonstrate that our State wants to safe guard the rights of even the weakest among us. We must affirm the dignity of the elderly and vulnerable and fight to ensure safeguards against the legally sanctioned killing that is assisted suicide.

Thank you for your consideration!

[Your Name]