Paul Ryan promises to stop federal funding for Planned Parenthood! Thank him, and encourage him to follow through!



Paul Ryan promises to stop federal funding for Planned Parenthood! Thank him, and encourage him to follow through!

Paul Ryan promises to stop federal funding for Planned Parenthood! Thank him, and encourage him to follow through!

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House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan has made news recently for stating that the Republican Congress will follow through on one of its campaign promises: defunding Planned Parenthood.

He has received a lot of backlash from the left—spouting lies that Planned Parenthood will struggle if taxpayers don’t fund it, that women will be unable to get cancer screenings and birth control, and that the funding doesn’t go to abortions anyways. All three claims are false, but we need to show our support for Paul Ryan so he sticks the course in defunding the nation’s largest abortion provider!

Please join us in thanking Speaker Ryan and encouraging him to stay the course!

Ryan recently reaffirmed his commitment to defund Planned Parenthood in a CNN town hall. When asked whether defunding Planned Parenthood wouldn’t limit women’s health care options other than abortion, Ryan stated that the federal dollars would go to community health centers that don’t offer abortions. All other women’s heath needs, like cancer screenings and birth control, are available at these centers!

Ryan explained: "For every Planned Parenthood . . . there are 20 federal community health centers. They are vastly bigger in network, there are so many more of them, and they provide these kinds of services without all the controversies surrounding this issue."

The CNN Moderator countered that no taxpayer funding actually goes to abortions because of the Hyde Amendment—Planned Parenthood has to use its government funding for other legitimate health care programs. Ryan strongly replied that “they get a lot of money and . . . money is fungible and it effectively floats these organizations which then use other money” for abortions!

Even though the dollars from Congress don’t technically fund abortions, they allow Planned Parenthood to use other money that would have gone to other services—if not for taxpayer funding—to service the killing of unborn innocents. 94% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy-related services are abortion. Taxpayer funding just helps them perform even more abortions! Money is fungible, and lawmakers should understand this basic economic concept before spending our money of such an “unconscionable” practice.

Abortion is evil. America’s elected representatives in Congress should stand up for the value of American lives. How can they do this while sending taxpayer dollars (our money!) to an organization that ends the lives of 897 babies every day and sells their body parts to the highest bidder?

Sign this petition to thank Ryan for his stance, and to encourage him to stand strong!

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End federal funding for Planned Parenthood!

Dear Speaker Ryan,

It has come to our attention that you have recently reaffirmed your commitment to defund Planned Parenthood. We want to thank you and encourage you to stand strong in the face of opposition.

We are strongly opposed to any taxpayer dollars going to this evil organization—especially when women can get all of the healthcare that they need from federal community health centers!

Even though the dollars from Congress don’t technically fund abortions, they allow Planned Parenthood to use other money that would have gone to other services—if not for taxpayer funding—to service the killing of unborn innocents. 94% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy-related services are abortion. Taxpayer funding just helps them perform even more abortions! Money is fungible, and lawmakers should understand this basic economic concept before spending our money on such an “unconscionable” practice.

Abortion is evil. America’s elected representatives in Congress should stand up for the value of American lives. How can they do this while sending taxpayer dollars (our money!) to an organization that ends the lives of 897 babies every day and sells their body parts to the highest bidder?

Please fight hard to defund Planned Parenthood, to stand for life, and keep your promises to the American people.

Thank you!

[Your Name]

End federal funding for Planned Parenthood!

Dear Speaker Ryan,

It has come to our attention that you have recently reaffirmed your commitment to defund Planned Parenthood. We want to thank you and encourage you to stand strong in the face of opposition.

We are strongly opposed to any taxpayer dollars going to this evil organization—especially when women can get all of the healthcare that they need from federal community health centers!

Even though the dollars from Congress don’t technically fund abortions, they allow Planned Parenthood to use other money that would have gone to other services—if not for taxpayer funding—to service the killing of unborn innocents. 94% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy-related services are abortion. Taxpayer funding just helps them perform even more abortions! Money is fungible, and lawmakers should understand this basic economic concept before spending our money on such an “unconscionable” practice.

Abortion is evil. America’s elected representatives in Congress should stand up for the value of American lives. How can they do this while sending taxpayer dollars (our money!) to an organization that ends the lives of 897 babies every day and sells their body parts to the highest bidder?

Please fight hard to defund Planned Parenthood, to stand for life, and keep your promises to the American people.

Thank you!

[Your Name]