Stop The Kinsey Institute

Petition to: World Leaders


Stop The Kinsey Institute

Stop The Kinsey Institute

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On April 23, 2014 the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction was granted special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). This decision was based in part on misleading testimony regarding the nature of their work provided by a Kinsey Institute representative to the United Nations Committee on Nongovernmental Organizations.

From their fraudulent sex research, to their collaboration with pedophiles to publish their sex experiments on children, to their promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, the Kinsey Institute has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families. For this reason the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute has outraged parents, government and civic leaders, lawmakers, researchers, and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s work has been, especially for the world’s children.

The goal of the Stop Kinsey Coalition is to educate world leaders and citizens about the past and present actions, goals and aims of the Kinsey Institute, and to demonstrate why the Kinsey Institute merits condemnation and censure rather than the legitimacy, prestige and access that UN consultative status affords them and which enables them to perpetuate their harmful work on a much larger world stage.

To learn more read our brief  The Kinsey Institute Exposed:  A Warning to Parents & Governments Throughout the World.

For more information visit our website at


Please see our summary below of the harmful nature of the Kinsey Institute’s work.  Please also visit our website to view the extensive documentation we present in our policy brief: The Kinsey Institute Exposed: A Warning to Parents and Governments Throughout the World.               ___________________________________________________________________

Summary of the Kinsey Institute’s Work

For more than a half century, most developed nations have been undergoing a “sexual revolution.”  This radical shift in traditional sexual norms, values and expectations has led to the liberalization of laws regulating sexual behavior.  This in turn has caused a dramatic increase in heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity contributing to the breakdown of the family and other social problems. 

Many of these dramatic changes in sexual norms and laws can be traced back to the fraudulent sex “research” and sexual ideologies of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, founder of the Kinsey Institute.  Kinsey has been called the “father of the sexual rights revolution” because many sexual rights advocacy organizations rely on his ideologies to support their positions.

The Kinsey Institute’s philosophy that “children are sexual from birth,” has been used by pedophiles to justify sexual crimes against children.  The Institute’s sexual ideologies also form the basis of harmful sex education programs commonly known as “comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).”  

These CSE programs are being aggressively promoted in UN documents, meetings and reports  as the solution to many world problems, including poverty, violence against women, teen pregnancy, the AIDS pandemic, and much more.  In fact, the Bali Youth Declaration and the more recent Colombo Youth Declaration promote access to CSE as a human right and also advance many other alleged sexual rights that are based on Kinsey’s sexual philosophies.

CSE programs are mostly sexual indoctrination programs designed to liberalize the sexual attitudes of the rising generation to accept and even celebrate heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity.  CSE programs also prepare youth to become sexual rights advocates to further liberalize laws that regulate sexual behaviors in their countries.

The main organizations behind the Kinsey-based sexual rights movement and CSE programs are International Planned Parenthood (IPPF), the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), Advocates for Youth, the World Organization of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, and the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA).  More recently, UNESCO and the World Health Organization have released sexuality education guidelines heavily influenced by IPPF and SIECUS and reflecting Kinsey ideology.  The aforementioned NGO organizations, especially International Planned Parenthood, usually hide their agenda to sexualize children under euphemistic language disguised as solutions to world problems.  In addition to promoting sexual rights for children, these organizations also aggressively promote abortion and LGBT rights under the banner of “sexual and reproductive health rights” or SRHR.  Kinsey-based sexuality and sex education programs are intended to change cultures and norms in harmful ways—just as has occurred in the United States and a number of other Western countries.  One of the key methods of sexual rights advocates is to establish adolescent and child rights to confidentiality and privacy, so that they can reach them with their sexual ideologies without the knowledge or consent of parents.  

We have extensively documented the harmful activities and objectives of the Kinsey Institute, IPPF, and the other sexual rights advocacy organizations that promote the Comprehensive Sexuality Education agenda in several policy briefs posted at

Governments need to understand that the sexualization of the children in their countries leads to big profits for many of these organizations. They make billions of dollars annually by providing sexuality education (often disguised as family life skills or HIV prevention education), contraceptives, abortion, HIV and other STI testing, treatment and associated care, and much more.

With its recently granted UN ECOSOC status, the Kinsey Institute and its allies will have even more influence and greater access and prestige to advance their harmful sexual rights ideologies, especially in developing countries, unless they are exposed and stopped. 

Our website has a list of questions that the Kinsey Institute should have been required to answer before ever being considered for consultative status by the UN Committee on NGOs. The Kinsey Institute should still be required by the UN to answer these questions to help expose the harmful nature of its work.  Governments can also require the Institute to answer these questions as a condition of allowing them to work in their respective countries.

Nations would do well to carefully monitor any activities of the Kinsey Institute and their allied groups in their countries.

Note: Please beware of the Kinsey Institute’s new mobile phone app called “The Kinsey Reporter,” described in detail in the policy brief on our website entitled “The Kinsey Institute Exposed.”  This app will be used to try to show widespread promiscuity in countries and use that as a basis to call for the liberalization of sex-related laws by claiming that current laws need to be updated to reflect “reality.”  More information on this phone app as well as extensive information on the problems with the Kinsey Institute can be found at in our policy brief posted at 

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Petition to: World Leaders

Dear United Nations Officials & World Leaders,

We, as government, civil society and religious leaders, together with concerned citizens from every region of the world, are sending this letter to warn your government about the harmful work of the Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender and Reproduction.  This organization recently was granted consultative status by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) without sufficient scrutiny as to the nature of its work.

From the Kinsey Institute’s fraudulent sex research, to its collaboration with pedophiles to publish its sex experiments on children, to its promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, this organization has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families.

For this reason, the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute has outraged parents, government and civicleaders, lawmakers, researchers, and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s worhas been—especially for the world’s children.

We would encourage your government to investigate the Kinsey Institute and its affiliated organizations regarding what they are promoting to children before ever allowing them to work in your country.

In addition, we are also respectfully requesting your help in calling upon the UN Committee on NGOs to further scrutinize the work of the Kinsey Institute with a view to rescinding its UN accreditation.

We have formed the Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition to call upon ECOSOC to withdraw NGO recognition, or, at the very least, not renew the group’s accreditation when it comes up for renewal.  We hope you will support us in this effort.

For the sake of the health and innocence of your children and ours, let’s work together to stop the harmful work of the Kinsey Institute from spreading any further. 

I endorse this letter as one of the Worldwide Members and supporters of the Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition.



[Your Name]

Petition to: World Leaders

Dear United Nations Officials & World Leaders,

We, as government, civil society and religious leaders, together with concerned citizens from every region of the world, are sending this letter to warn your government about the harmful work of the Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender and Reproduction.  This organization recently was granted consultative status by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) without sufficient scrutiny as to the nature of its work.

From the Kinsey Institute’s fraudulent sex research, to its collaboration with pedophiles to publish its sex experiments on children, to its promotion of risky sexual behaviors as healthy and normal, which has formed the basis of dangerous sexuality education programs worldwide, this organization has caused incalculable harm to children, adults and families.

For this reason, the UN’s decision to grant ECOSOC status to the Kinsey Institute has outraged parents, government and civicleaders, lawmakers, researchers, and victims of sexual crimes around the world who understand how harmful the Kinsey Institute’s worhas been—especially for the world’s children.

We would encourage your government to investigate the Kinsey Institute and its affiliated organizations regarding what they are promoting to children before ever allowing them to work in your country.

In addition, we are also respectfully requesting your help in calling upon the UN Committee on NGOs to further scrutinize the work of the Kinsey Institute with a view to rescinding its UN accreditation.

We have formed the Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition to call upon ECOSOC to withdraw NGO recognition, or, at the very least, not renew the group’s accreditation when it comes up for renewal.  We hope you will support us in this effort.

For the sake of the health and innocence of your children and ours, let’s work together to stop the harmful work of the Kinsey Institute from spreading any further. 

I endorse this letter as one of the Worldwide Members and supporters of the Stop the Kinsey Institute Coalition.



[Your Name]