Support the Air Force colonel disciplined for holding Christian views of marriage!



Support the Air Force colonel disciplined for holding Christian views of marriage!


Support the Air Force colonel disciplined for holding Christian views of marriage!

350 have signed.

The Airforce has reversed its decision! Thank you for taking action!


One of America’s core characteristics is freedom of religion. Since our founding, our nation has been committed to safeguarding and protecting the ability of all Americans to worship and honor God in the way that they see fit. At many points during out history, we supported the rights of fringe religious groups to practice their religions because our nation has always been committed to that first freedom of religious expression.

However, today, more and more Americans of faith are seeing their religious liberty chipped away at. In 21st century American, being a person who is committed to upholding what the Bible teaches can be reason for an employer to fire you or a city council to fine you.

Recently, Colonel Leland Bohannon, a highly decorated serviceman of more than two decades, was relieved of command for simply not affirming gay marriage. What was his crime? He did not sign a certificate of appreciation for a same sex couple. Please sign this petition to Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson asking her to take action on Bohannon’s behalf.

Because of this simple action, Col. Bohannon was suspended and denied a promotion. Bohannon wasn’t trying to be difficult, he wasn’t trying to make a point. He had requested a religious accommodation. But he was suspended and not given any opportunity for a promotion. Bohannon is the father of five.

So why is it that when a Christian choose to live by his religion, he is suspended and his chances for a promotion squelched? Because our country now serves the God of self-expression.

Bohannon’s situation is similar to the situation of Jack Phillips.

Jack Phillips is a Christian baker in Colorado who has been fined, harassed and defamed for his Christian conviction. He creates magnificent cakes that can only accurately be described as works of art. He declined to create a cake for a gay wedding ceremony because, as a Christian, he believes that marriage is only between one man and one woman. He was found guilty of discrimination by the state court in Colorado. The Supreme Court recently heard arguments in his case.

Across the country Christians are being told by courts and the culture to participate in celebrating same sex marriages or else. Basically, a Christian cannot conscientiously object to same-sex marriage.

This is simply religious expression –which is protected by the United States Constitution. It is unbelievable that we live in an age where Christians could be so strongly persecuted for their sincere religious convictions.

Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson has said that, "Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion."

We should hold her to that statement and ask her to take action to defend Col. Bohannon.

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350 have signed.

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Colonel Leland Bohannon

Dear Secretary Wilson,

Colonel Leland Bohannon, a highly decorated serviceman of more than two decades, was suspended for simply not affirming gay marriage.

Because of his deeply held religious beliefs, Col. Bohannon was not able to sign a certificate of appreciation for a gay couple. He did not make a scene or try to make anyone uncomfortable. He requested a religious accommodation. He found someone else to sign the certificate.

But because he himself did not sign his name affirming gay marriage, Col. Bohannon was suspended and not given any opportunity for a promotion.

You have stated that, "Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion."

Please act on behalf of Col. Bohannon. It must be possible for an American to serve in the military and hold sincere religious beliefs. 

[Your Name]

Colonel Leland Bohannon

Dear Secretary Wilson,

Colonel Leland Bohannon, a highly decorated serviceman of more than two decades, was suspended for simply not affirming gay marriage.

Because of his deeply held religious beliefs, Col. Bohannon was not able to sign a certificate of appreciation for a gay couple. He did not make a scene or try to make anyone uncomfortable. He requested a religious accommodation. He found someone else to sign the certificate.

But because he himself did not sign his name affirming gay marriage, Col. Bohannon was suspended and not given any opportunity for a promotion.

You have stated that, "Air Force policy must continue to ensure that all airmen are able to choose to practice their particular religion."

Please act on behalf of Col. Bohannon. It must be possible for an American to serve in the military and hold sincere religious beliefs. 

[Your Name]