Dear Theresa May, Africa does not need your abortion Money



Dear Theresa May, Africa does not need your abortion Money

Dear Theresa May, Africa does not need your abortion Money

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Theresa May has offered £200 Million to Africa for ABORTIONS in her recent trip to Africa where she visited South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. It is in Kenya, her last country to visit that she made the offer. The British Prime Minister is not fresh to controversy as she perpetrates her neo-colonialism tendencies.

It would be expected that a lady of Theresa May's stature and exposure would want to familiarize herself with what Africa needs before making commitments that are not only offensive to Africans but are also misplaced. Kenya has been looking for funds to build its railway systems, improve its health sector (especially build a cancer center), and improve her maternal health care and education systems but the remarkable investment that Mrs. May made was in killing African babies.

Britain has been very supportive of Marie Stopes, a global abortion provider affiliated to International Planned Parenthood Federation. This new funding to Marie Stopes is not only misplaced but is a mockery to what many African's stand for.

Recent polling showing that 65% of the British public (including 65% of women) oppose any spending on abortion overseas, with 79% (including 84% of women) wanting increased support for UK women under financial pressure to have an abortion.

The use of UK taxpayer money to undermine the sovereignty of these African nations by funding abortions and trying to change laws in this area has recently been described by Nigerian activist Obianuju Ekeocha on the BBC as “a form of ideological colonisation”.

Polling across African nations show that abortion is not wanted with people overwhelmingly seeing abortion as morally unacceptable with for example 92% of people in Ghana, 88% in Uganda and 82% in Kenya stating that abortion is morally unacceptable.

Most African countries have very pro-life laws, they hold that life begins at conception and should be defended, promoted, and protected until natural death. This though offends so many western cultural imperialists like Theresa May who benefit from the abortion industry. 

Sign this petition asking the British Prime Minister Theresa May to keep her abortion money!

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Africa Does Not Need Your Abortion Money

For the attention of Prime Minister Theresa May,

Dear Mrs May,

In your visit to Africa, you offered £200 Million to fund abortions in Africa. You ignored the fact that Africa is pro-life and her priorities do not include killing her own unborn babies through abortions.

A ComRes poll from 2017 showed that 65% of the British public, including 65% of women, oppose any taxpayer spending on abortion overseas.

In fact, 79% of the British public, including 84% of women, want to see greater support for women who find themselves financially pressured into having an abortion.

There are public services in various parts of Africa in desperate need of additional funding. Improved infrastructure and therefore access to hospitals would greatly improve prospsects for both mothers and their children.

If the motivation behind giving this large sum of money is truly philanthropic, you will stop engaging in this form of neo-colonialism which forces Western ideas about abortion and population control on a continent which largely rejects it.

Please cease any funding from the UK being used to promote abortion overseas.

[Your Name]

Africa Does Not Need Your Abortion Money

For the attention of Prime Minister Theresa May,

Dear Mrs May,

In your visit to Africa, you offered £200 Million to fund abortions in Africa. You ignored the fact that Africa is pro-life and her priorities do not include killing her own unborn babies through abortions.

A ComRes poll from 2017 showed that 65% of the British public, including 65% of women, oppose any taxpayer spending on abortion overseas.

In fact, 79% of the British public, including 84% of women, want to see greater support for women who find themselves financially pressured into having an abortion.

There are public services in various parts of Africa in desperate need of additional funding. Improved infrastructure and therefore access to hospitals would greatly improve prospsects for both mothers and their children.

If the motivation behind giving this large sum of money is truly philanthropic, you will stop engaging in this form of neo-colonialism which forces Western ideas about abortion and population control on a continent which largely rejects it.

Please cease any funding from the UK being used to promote abortion overseas.

[Your Name]