Ensure Conscientious Objection Rights for All Medical Professionals

Petition to: Theresa May


Ensure Conscientious Objection Rights for All Medical Professionals

Ensure Conscientious Objection Rights for All Medical Professionals

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In the last few years, the right of medical professionals to conscientiously object to procedures which are destructive or potentially destructive of life has been under persistent attack and even eroded in some cases.

Last year, the General Pharmaceutical Council attempted to force pharmacists across Britain to dispense abortion inducing drugs against their conscience. Fortunately, due to a legal challenge, they were unable to enforce this draconian policy.

In 2014, two midwiveslaunched a legal challenge against their hospital which was attempting to force them to participate in abortions. They ultimately lost the case, as the court decided that conscience protections only extended to actually performing the abortion itself and did not cover other actions which materially support an abortion (e.g. organising the rota for when women are having abortions).

Now, Baroness O’Loan is bringing forward a Bill (the Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill) which will ensure that no medical professional will be obliged to participate in the provision of medical acts which they believe are destructive or potentially destructive of human life. This includes the withdrawal of end of life care, as well and the provision of abortion.

A 2016 cross party inquiry into freedom of conscience in abortion provision found that some medical professionals found themselves being discriminated against due to their moral beliefs in this field. No one should be forced to violate their own moral integrity except in the most extreme of circumstances as doing so is a serious attack on one’s personal identity and one’s ability to be the author of one’s own life.

This Bill is liberal, and does not seek to alter the current abortion law in any way but only to ensure that no medical professional is forced to perform a procedure which they believe are destructive of human life. This Bill is needed to ensure that medical professionals with conscientious objections are not forced out of their profession and it is also needed so that anyone thinking of becoming a medical professional is not prevented from doing so by a potentially coercive environment which may attempt to force them to violate their own moral convictions.

Please sign this petition to Theresa May PM, asking the Government gives time in this Parliamentary session for Baroness O’Loan’s Bill to pass through both Houses of Parliament, so that all Parliamentarians will be able to consider it, and hopefully pass it into law.













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Ensure Conscientious Objection Rights for Medical Professional

For the attention of Prime Minister Theresa May,

Dear Mrs May,

You may be aware that Baroness O’Loan is bringing forward her “Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill” at this time.

I ask that the Government gives time in this Parliamentary session for Baroness O’Loan’s Bill to pass through both Houses of Parliament. This will allow Parliamentarians to consider thoroughly, and hopefully pass it into law.

Due to recent legal decisions (Greater Glasgow Health Board v Doogan & Anor, 2014) conscience rights for medical professionals have been substantially weakened and now require clarification.

Baroness O’Loan’s Bill intends to protect conscience rights for any medical professional, whether doctor, nurse, or midwife, so that no one will be obliged to participate in the provision of medical acts which they believe are destructive or potentially destructive of human life. This includes the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, any activity authorised by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 or the Abortion Act 1967 (including activity required to prepare for, support or perform such activities).

A 2016 cross party inquiry into freedom of conscience found that some medical professionals found themselves being discriminated against due to their moral beliefs in this field. As such, this Bill explicitly prohibits discrimination against anyone with such a conscientious objection.

In accord with current practice, the Bill stipulates that the burden of proof remains on the objection and introduces a statement of oath as in Scottish practice. This Bill does not seek to affect any other aspect of abortion law.

There is significant public support for such a Bill as a 2017 ComRes poll found that 56% of the public oppose forcing doctors to participate in abortion procedures against their conscience if they wish to remain in the profession, with only 22% supporting it.

This Bill is liberal and seeks to protect the moral integrity of medical professionals. Whatever one’s moral views about medical activities under consideration, the protection of conscience is something which we should all value in a liberal society.

[Your Name]

Ensure Conscientious Objection Rights for Medical Professional

For the attention of Prime Minister Theresa May,

Dear Mrs May,

You may be aware that Baroness O’Loan is bringing forward her “Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill” at this time.

I ask that the Government gives time in this Parliamentary session for Baroness O’Loan’s Bill to pass through both Houses of Parliament. This will allow Parliamentarians to consider thoroughly, and hopefully pass it into law.

Due to recent legal decisions (Greater Glasgow Health Board v Doogan & Anor, 2014) conscience rights for medical professionals have been substantially weakened and now require clarification.

Baroness O’Loan’s Bill intends to protect conscience rights for any medical professional, whether doctor, nurse, or midwife, so that no one will be obliged to participate in the provision of medical acts which they believe are destructive or potentially destructive of human life. This includes the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, any activity authorised by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 or the Abortion Act 1967 (including activity required to prepare for, support or perform such activities).

A 2016 cross party inquiry into freedom of conscience found that some medical professionals found themselves being discriminated against due to their moral beliefs in this field. As such, this Bill explicitly prohibits discrimination against anyone with such a conscientious objection.

In accord with current practice, the Bill stipulates that the burden of proof remains on the objection and introduces a statement of oath as in Scottish practice. This Bill does not seek to affect any other aspect of abortion law.

There is significant public support for such a Bill as a 2017 ComRes poll found that 56% of the public oppose forcing doctors to participate in abortion procedures against their conscience if they wish to remain in the profession, with only 22% supporting it.

This Bill is liberal and seeks to protect the moral integrity of medical professionals. Whatever one’s moral views about medical activities under consideration, the protection of conscience is something which we should all value in a liberal society.

[Your Name]