Reject the OAS Proposal to Give Special Privileges to LGBTI



Reject the OAS Proposal to Give Special Privileges to LGBTI


Reject the OAS Proposal to Give Special Privileges to LGBTI

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This month, LGBT activists and their proxy member states plan to use the Organization of American States (OAS) to give special privileges to certain citizens on account of their sexual preferences and other related factors.

Please sign our petition to your OAS delegates asking them to reject the resolution proposed by the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, “Human rights, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and intersex traits (CP/CAJP/INF.376/17).”

Please oppose special privileges only afforded to those in the LGBTI community.

This resolution is combined within the General Assembly's report on futhering human rights. It routinely uses the undefined terms “sexual orientations and gender identity,” “gender expression,” “intersex traits,” “homophobia,” and “transphobia.” These terms have no universally agreed upon legal or scientific definition. The United Nations does not recognize these terms. In addition, these terms are not recognized in any ratified international treaty.

This allows the international body to use the ambiguity of these terms to push any agenda without consequence, such as to increase international pressure among member states to legalize same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption; to outlaw therapy for those who wish it to cope with or overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction or gender nonconformity; and to censor religious teachings on homosexuality.

CitizenGO will participate in 47th General Assembly of the Organization of American States to defend and promote life, family, democracy, and liberty throughout the western hemisphere. While doing so, we will actively fight this harmful resolution. 

We will take the petition with us to the General Assembly and distribute to delegates.

The entire resolution can be viewed here.

Discrimination and violence is wrong and should always be condemned and those responsible should be prosecuted. However, member states currently have the obligation to do so for LGBTI persons because they are human beings. This resolution recommends that LGBTI are separated as a special class of people. All human beings should be afforded the same equal human rights. 

Please understand that there is not consensus among member states to adopt this resolution. Right now, 8 member states have co-sponsored this resolution. 10 member states have expressed reservations against the resolution. We must reach those who currently have no opinion.

Our recommendation to member states is as follows: (1) request this resolution be removed from the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” and (2) vote against it as a standalone resolution. 

Please help us by signing our petition. LGBTI should not receive special privileges that others are not awarded. 


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Dear OAS Delegate of the 47th General Assembly:

I ask that you reject the resolution proposed by the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, “Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Intersex Traits (CP/CAJP/INF.376/17).”

This resolution is currently found within the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.” It routinely uses the undefined terms “sexual orientations and gender identity,” “gender expression,” “intersex traits,” “homophobia,” and “transphobia.” These terms have no universally agreed upon legal or scientific definition. The United Nations does not recognize these terms. In addition, these terms are not recognized in any ratified international treaty.

Discrimination and violence is wrong and should always be condemned and those responsible should be prosecuted. However, member states currently have the obligation to do so for LGBTI persons because they are human beings. This resolution recommends that LGBTI are separated as a special class of people. All human beings should be afforded the same equal human rights.

My recommendation is that you request this resolution be removed from the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” and then vote against it as a standalone resolution. 

[Your Name]


Dear OAS Delegate of the 47th General Assembly:

I ask that you reject the resolution proposed by the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay, “Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Intersex Traits (CP/CAJP/INF.376/17).”

This resolution is currently found within the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.” It routinely uses the undefined terms “sexual orientations and gender identity,” “gender expression,” “intersex traits,” “homophobia,” and “transphobia.” These terms have no universally agreed upon legal or scientific definition. The United Nations does not recognize these terms. In addition, these terms are not recognized in any ratified international treaty.

Discrimination and violence is wrong and should always be condemned and those responsible should be prosecuted. However, member states currently have the obligation to do so for LGBTI persons because they are human beings. This resolution recommends that LGBTI are separated as a special class of people. All human beings should be afforded the same equal human rights.

My recommendation is that you request this resolution be removed from the report “The Promotion and Protection of Human Rights” and then vote against it as a standalone resolution. 

[Your Name]