Mr President, Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla now!

Petition to: the President of the Sudan Omar Hasan al-Bashir


Mr President, Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla now!


Mr President, Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla now!

39,376 have signed.

At the end of February, 2017, Mr Omar Hasan al-Bashir, the President of the Sudan, pardoned the Czech development aid worker, Petr Jašek, after fourteen months' imprisonment in Sudanese prisons, enabling him to return to his family in the Czech Republic.

However, Pastor Hassan Kodi and student Abdulmonem Abdulmawla - Petr Jašek's co-accused - strangely remain locked-up in Sudanese prisons. They were sentenced to a 12-year sentence by a court in Khartoum on 29 January, 2017 because they were supposed to have helped Jašek in his alleged crimes.

It is not just or right that these two good men must remain in prison because their cases are receiving less international support than Petr Jašek's case, simply due to the fact that they are Sudanese nationals.

In that same regard, Petr Jašek, himself, told CitizenGO how grateful he was for the support of the hundreds of thousand of people around the world who signed petitions for his release, BUT that we must not forget Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

In fact Jašek, himself, told us: "Even though I am released, my heart is still in prison with other two brothers - Hasan and Abdulmonem, because they still reman in prison in Khartoum. WE need to continue to campaign for their release, until they are released."

By signing this petition, therefore, you are calling on Sudanese President Omar Hasan al-Bashir to immediately pardon and release Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

As CitizenGO representatives will also be personally delivering these related petitions to different EU Institutions, this petition will be directed to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, as well as to the European Parliament and the EU's Delegation to Sudan, by MEPs who are supporters of Petr Jašek, and, also, supporters of the current effort to obtain the release of Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

Thank you for signing!

In our two previous petitions, you will find all the information on the background and past developments:


EU Parliament Resolution referring to this case -

39,376 have signed.

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Mr President, Pardon and Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla Now!

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Mr Omar Hasan al-Bashir - President of the Sudan

Cc'ed to:

  • Ms Federica Mogherini - High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs
  • Mr Jean-Michel Dumond - Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Sudan

Thankfully, at the end of February, 2017, you pardoned the Czech development aid worker and minister Petr Jašek, and ordered his release.

However, the two Sudanese citizens alleged to have supported Petr Jašek, Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla, are still in prison.

We ask you to pardon and release Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla quickly!

We are firmly convinced that the legal appeal by the attorneys of the two detainees will prove their innocence. Please, do not allow these innocent men to spend any more time in prison without cause.

Mr President, show the generosity and charity of the Sudan, the Sudanese people and of your own Administration, by releasing Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla!

As CitizenGO representatives will also be personally delivering these related petitions to different EU Institutions, this petition will be directed to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, as well as to the European Parliament and the EU's Delegation to Sudan, by MEPs who are supporters of Petr Jašek, and, also, supporters of the current effort to obtain the release of Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

[Your Name]

Mr President, Pardon and Release Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla Now!

For the Kind Attention of:

  • Mr Omar Hasan al-Bashir - President of the Sudan

Cc'ed to:

  • Ms Federica Mogherini - High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs
  • Mr Jean-Michel Dumond - Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Sudan

Thankfully, at the end of February, 2017, you pardoned the Czech development aid worker and minister Petr Jašek, and ordered his release.

However, the two Sudanese citizens alleged to have supported Petr Jašek, Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla, are still in prison.

We ask you to pardon and release Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla quickly!

We are firmly convinced that the legal appeal by the attorneys of the two detainees will prove their innocence. Please, do not allow these innocent men to spend any more time in prison without cause.

Mr President, show the generosity and charity of the Sudan, the Sudanese people and of your own Administration, by releasing Pastor Hassan Kodi and Abdulmonem Abdulmawla!

As CitizenGO representatives will also be personally delivering these related petitions to different EU Institutions, this petition will be directed to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, as well as to the European Parliament and the EU's Delegation to Sudan, by MEPs who are supporters of Petr Jašek, and, also, supporters of the current effort to obtain the release of Pastor Hassan Kodi and the student, Abdulmonem Abdulmawla.

[Your Name]