USDA silences Christian farmers in Michigan!



USDA silences Christian farmers in Michigan!


USDA silences Christian farmers in Michigan!

11,054 have signed.

Update: The USDA has just issued new guidance ensuring that religious beliefs, especially those relating to same-sex marriage will not be penalized! This is a very important victory. Thank you for signing this petition and protect the rights of Christians business owners. Read more:


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”

However, apparently Michigan believes the First Amendment doesn’t apply to Christians who hold the biblical view of marriage that has been accepted by every civilization since the dawn of creation.

In 2015, the USDA told Don and Ellen Vander Boon, owners of the West Michigan Beef Company, that they had to keep quiet about their convictions at work or be forced to close down their business. The Alliance Defending Freedom has recently sent a letter to President Trump asking him to take action. Please sign this petition now to the USDA so that we can add significant pressure to this case and restore First Amendment freedoms to Christians in our country!

Here’s what happened. Shortly after the Supreme Court of the United States improperly chose to redefine marriage, the oldest institution in human history founded by God Himself, the West Michigan Beef Company was abuzz with discussion of the issue. Articles celebrating gay marriage filled the break room of the company, but there weren’t any articles defending God’s view of marriage.

Don Boon simply added a respectful article to the break room that explained the biblical view of marriage. What happened next? Officials from the USDA told Don to remove the article or they would remove their stamp of approval his business—this would force Don to stop selling his meat and shut down his business

This is insane. The role of USDA is to monitor food quality, not silence Christians. The overreach of the government has gone on far too long. We need to stand with Don and Ellen Vander Boon and all Christian business owners to protect our fundamental First Amendment freedoms.

The point of the First Amendment is to protect ALL viewpoints in the public square. An attack on any viewpoint is an attack on all First Amendment freedoms. Sadly, this also appears to be just the latest in a long line of attack on Christian viewpoints. When did Christians become second-class citizens?

West Michigan Beef is a Christian-owned company. Their website is very clear about what they believe. They state publically: “Above all, West Michigan Beef seeks to glorify and honor God in all that we do.”

When did disagreeing with the prevailing sexual libertarian ethic in theory become unlawful harassment? Please sign this petition now to the USDA and demand they stop trying to use their power to silence and bully Christians.

Further Resources:

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Stop trying to silence speech


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”

However, in 2015, you used your power as a regulatory agency to take away that right from the owners of the West Michigan Beef Company.

Shortly after the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision was released, the West Michigan Beef Company was abuzz with discussion of the issue. Articles celebrating gay marriage filled the break room of the company, but there weren’t any articles defending the traditional view of marriage.

Don Boon, owner of the company, simply added a respectful article to the break room that explained the biblical view of marriage and why some people in our country disagree with gay marriage.

You then told Don to remove the article or you would remove your officials from his business. Without your officials monitoring meatpacking, Don wouldn’t be able to sell his meat. What does one respectful article have to do with the quality of the meat sold there?

This is a clear attempt to silence a particular viewpoint and is in direct violation of the First Amendment. Please apologize to Don Boon and stop trying to silence his speech. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

[Your Name]

Stop trying to silence speech


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.”

However, in 2015, you used your power as a regulatory agency to take away that right from the owners of the West Michigan Beef Company.

Shortly after the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision was released, the West Michigan Beef Company was abuzz with discussion of the issue. Articles celebrating gay marriage filled the break room of the company, but there weren’t any articles defending the traditional view of marriage.

Don Boon, owner of the company, simply added a respectful article to the break room that explained the biblical view of marriage and why some people in our country disagree with gay marriage.

You then told Don to remove the article or you would remove your officials from his business. Without your officials monitoring meatpacking, Don wouldn’t be able to sell his meat. What does one respectful article have to do with the quality of the meat sold there?

This is a clear attempt to silence a particular viewpoint and is in direct violation of the First Amendment. Please apologize to Don Boon and stop trying to silence his speech. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

[Your Name]