Sign to Support Freedom of Education and Homeschooling in Iceland!

Petition for freedom of education in Iceland


Sign to Support Freedom of Education and Homeschooling in Iceland!

Sign to Support Freedom of Education and Homeschooling in Iceland!

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The Chinese organ transplant industry is a dark and disturbing reality. Equally horrifying is, for decades, Western countries, including the U.S., have been complicit by engaging in trade of organs, sharing medical training, and DNA technology. Western nations have quietly allowed and paid for organ transplants from falsely arrested, charged, and slaughtered Chinese citizens.Last month, the U.S. Congress heard more damning testimony about China’s egregious human rights violations. The Chinese government systematically harvests organs from healthy people, storing DNA data to provide organs to meet both domestic and foreign demand, using technology and equipment supplied by the U.S. May 15, 2024, in an open letter to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy from Amnesty International, urged EU citizens and institutions to cease participation in China’s practice of forced organ harvesting through its ongoing medical collaborations and lack of regulation to curtail organ transplant tourism. The morbid truth is we cannot stop the organ harvesting industry in the CCP. However, we must stop turning a blind eye to our partnerships with the Chinese, knowing our involvement helps grow their human organ harvesting machine.

In 2020, The Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China presented its findings in London, concluding that forced organ harvesting had taken place for years throughout China. The Uyghurs and Falun Gong practitioners have been primary sources of organs, but no one in China is safe.

With DNA data from over 15 million people gathered, we now know the Chinese government harvests organs on demand from that database. Current estimates reveal up to 100,000 lives are taken each year to feed the growing billion-dollar industry.

The China Tribunal confirmed the horrifying truth in 2020, with no changes in Western policy. This means tens of thousands of innocent people have been executed for their organs and turned into commodities for sale with the FULL knowledge and continued participation of our medical industry, insurance companies, universities, governments, and citizens. Previously, governments worldwide have doubted these accusations, justifying their inaction. But the truth is out and has been for nearly half a decade when the tribunal compared this to the worst atrocities of the 20th century.

We must not remain complicitly silent. If we continue our participation, hundreds of thousands more will be slaughtered. The organ harvesting industry will flourish, and we will bear the responsibility. Removing our resources from China won't stop the slaughter. However, we will hold China solely accountable.

Holding ourselves and our governments accountable is the first step to stopping the atrocities. We must cease our cooperation with China’s organ transplant industry. If we do nothing, the slaughter will continue on our behalf. The industry will flourish, and we will be responsible for its growth. However, if we act, we can expose and reject China's wickedness.

Hope is not lost, but we must make the difficult decision now. We must stand for human dignity. We must act now before another parent is taken from their child or another child kidnapped and slaughtered. China does this with our help and on our behalf! Our silent approval of human organ harvesting must stop. RESOURCES: China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Demands US Response Outline Ways Congress Can Target Beijing’s Forced Organ Harvesting Tribunal Judgement Experts warn of the practice of using political prisoners in China for body parts Organ in 10 Minutes: Experts Warn Australia in the Dark on Organ Trafficking

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Freedom of Education and Homeschooling in Iceland

Dear President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Representatives of Iceland’s Ministry of Education, Science and Culture,

I am writing to express my concern regarding Iceland’s education laws. These stringent laws restrict freedom of education and prevent many families from homeschooling.

Iceland’s education system is failing. A third of Iceland’s young men are illiterate after ten years of study, and many young women fear going to school because they are bullied. Many parents want to homeschool their children for these reasons and others.

Unfortunately, Iceland’s restrictive education laws make it impossible for many families to homeschool. In order to homeschool in Iceland, at least one parents must hold a teaching license. Furthermore, parents are forced to follow a state sanctioned curriculum that is not a good fit for every student and family.

Freedom of education is a basic human right that all governments should protect. Please change your laws to protect freedom of education for all families.

[Your Name]

Freedom of Education and Homeschooling in Iceland

Dear President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Representatives of Iceland’s Ministry of Education, Science and Culture,

I am writing to express my concern regarding Iceland’s education laws. These stringent laws restrict freedom of education and prevent many families from homeschooling.

Iceland’s education system is failing. A third of Iceland’s young men are illiterate after ten years of study, and many young women fear going to school because they are bullied. Many parents want to homeschool their children for these reasons and others.

Unfortunately, Iceland’s restrictive education laws make it impossible for many families to homeschool. In order to homeschool in Iceland, at least one parents must hold a teaching license. Furthermore, parents are forced to follow a state sanctioned curriculum that is not a good fit for every student and family.

Freedom of education is a basic human right that all governments should protect. Please change your laws to protect freedom of education for all families.

[Your Name]