Stop Queensland's gender-bending birth certificates!

Petition to: Queensland Department of Justice


Stop Queensland's gender-bending birth certificates!

Stop Queensland's gender-bending birth certificates!

3,868 have signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Transgender birth certificates? The Queensland government is considering a proposal that would allow parents to designate their baby as "non-binary" or "intersex" on the child's birth certificate.

It also means adults who identify as "non-binary" or "gender fluid" could change the sex listed on their birth certificate—even if they have not undergone any surgical "sex-change" operation!

Already Queensland has removed the gender designation from driver's licenses. Now, Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath has released a new discussion paper suggesting that Queensland should follow the ACT and South Australia to adopt new forms of "transgender" birth certificates.

Transgender activists claim that requiring a sex-change operation in order to change their birth certificate's sex designation discriminates against those who identity the opposite sex from birth or identify as some other gender identity.

But if one can change the sex on one's birth certificate, why shouldn't they be able to change the race? 

In 2016, Victoria rejected a similar proposal after the initiative stalled in the Upper House. That bill would've allowed anyone to change the sex on their birth certificate to anything for any reason, and they could keep changing it every six months!

If this policy passes, biological men, on the basis of "identification" alone and without any surgery, will be able to:

    • Access female toilets, lockers, showers, and changing rooms;
    • Apply for women's scholarships;
    • Obtain preselection for Parliament under affirmative action policies directed toward women;
    • Attend women-only school camps;
    • Participate in women's sports;
    • Join women-only gyms and clubs;
    • Enter women-only domestic violence shelters;

...and much more.

D’Ath's discussion paper incorrectly claims that some individuals are born "intersex," such that "sex" cannot be defined. In fact, individuals with ambiguous sexual characteristics are either male or female—even if that individual's sex is difficult to identify. There is no "third sex" or third gender. The occurrence of very rare congentital abnormalities where sex is ambiguous does not disprove the fact that human beings are sexually dimorphous (that human beings have two sexes), any more than the fact that some human beings are born with fewer than two legs proves that humans are bipedal (that human beings have two legs).

The discussion paper also says that “sex is not defined” in Queensland's Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration law. Of course it wasn't! Until very recently, sex did not have to be defined. Everyone understood it to be the biological reality of male and female.

Birth certificates should be an accurate record of a person's sex, age, and parental relationships. Introducing "gender identity" terms to replace biological sex identifiers destroys the purpose of having a birth certificate, and turns it into a tool of politically correctness.

Sign the petition to register your opposition to the proposed gender-neutral / transgender birth certificates!

3,868 have signed. Let's get to 5,000!

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I oppose gender-neutral birth certificates

Dear Minister Yvette D’Ath,

I oppose the proposal to modify Queensland's birth certificates to include gender-neutral options such as "indeterminate," "unspecified," or "intersex."

The discussion paper incorrectly claims that some individuals are born "intersex," such that "sex" cannot be defined. In fact, individuals with ambiguous sexual characteristics are either male or female—even if that individual's sex is difficult to identify.

There is no "third sex" or third gender. The occurrence of very rare congentital abnormalities where sex is ambiguous does not disprove the fact that human beings are sexually dimorphous, any more than the fact that some human beings are born with fewer than two legs proves that humans are bipedal.

The discussion paper also observes that “sex is not defined” in Queensland's Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration law. But of course it wasn't! Until very recently, sex did not have to be defined. Everyone understood it to refer to the biological reality of male and female.

Birth certificates should be an accurate record of a person's sex, age, and parental relationships. Introducing "gender identity" terms to replace biological sex identifiers destroys the purpose of having a birth certificate and turns it into a tool of politically correctness.

[Your Name]

I oppose gender-neutral birth certificates

Dear Minister Yvette D’Ath,

I oppose the proposal to modify Queensland's birth certificates to include gender-neutral options such as "indeterminate," "unspecified," or "intersex."

The discussion paper incorrectly claims that some individuals are born "intersex," such that "sex" cannot be defined. In fact, individuals with ambiguous sexual characteristics are either male or female—even if that individual's sex is difficult to identify.

There is no "third sex" or third gender. The occurrence of very rare congentital abnormalities where sex is ambiguous does not disprove the fact that human beings are sexually dimorphous, any more than the fact that some human beings are born with fewer than two legs proves that humans are bipedal.

The discussion paper also observes that “sex is not defined” in Queensland's Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration law. But of course it wasn't! Until very recently, sex did not have to be defined. Everyone understood it to refer to the biological reality of male and female.

Birth certificates should be an accurate record of a person's sex, age, and parental relationships. Introducing "gender identity" terms to replace biological sex identifiers destroys the purpose of having a birth certificate and turns it into a tool of politically correctness.

[Your Name]