Scott Morrison: We're behind you, we want Safe Schools gone!

A petition to the Prime Minister of Australia


Scott Morrison: We're behind you, we want Safe Schools gone!

Scott Morrison: We're behind you, we want Safe Schools gone!

16,450 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Last week, Australia’s new Prime Minister, Scott Morrison made two fantastic comments that made him public enemy #1 of gender-ideologists.

On Monday, he told Alan Jones of 2GB radio that the Victorian program Building Respectful Relationships (essentially a rebranded version of Safe Schools) made his “skin curl”.

And so it should.

Written by Deakin University associate professor Debbie Ollis, one part of the program entitled ‘Different perspectives on sexual intimacy’, gets children to engage in 20 minute “role plays”.

Year 9 students, (14 year old) could be asked to play characters such as bisexual 17-year-old Megan who has had 15 sexual partners; Grace who has been sexually active since she was 13; and 14-year-old Kelly who is struggling with her sexuality and thinks she may be lesbian.

The capacity in this program for child sexual exploitation, grooming and confusion is obvious and sickening. 

On Wednesday, Morrison again made front page of the Daily Telegraph for denouncing “gender whisperers” in schools—so-called gender “experts”, and teacher resources being sent to schools so that teachers can identify and encourage children with gender dysphoria to transition.

Social justice warriors, activists and many in the media have been quick to denounce and demonise Morrison for his comments. They either downplay the reality (that requests to transition have risen over 236% in three years), or roundly attack his character, particularly on the basis of his religion as a committed Christian.

We need to rally around him and show that he speaks out for many who are too afraid to voice their opinion.  

We also need to ask for more than Tweets, and more than radio interviews. We need our new Australian leader to take control of our schools, wrest them out of the hands of gender theorists, and fight for the protection of children.

It is not good enough that only children who parents can afford private, Christian schools are safe from this propaganda.

Every child, regardless of income and background should have access to education without propaganda.

We need a truly safe school environment for every child.

We need to stand behind Scott Morrison’s comments.

If he takes on this fight, it will be a battle. Tell him he has your support.

Tell him that these programs are making many, ordinary Australians – parents, teachers, principals, and kids – worried.

This year, hospitals have referred 74 kids aged 6-16 to gender dysphoria clinics geared to help children and adolescents transition. In 2015, the number was 22 and in 2013 there were just two.

This isn’t going away.

The time for action is now.

16,450 have signed. Let's get to 20,000!

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We support you, we want Safe Schools gone!

Dear Hon Scott Morrison MP,

Thank you for speaking against Victoria’s ‘Building Respectful Relationships’ and again for your comments on “gender whisperers” across schools in NSW.

Given the political climate, these comments would have taken great courage, and I thank you.

I am writing to urge you to take the matter further.

School must be safe for all Australian children, not just those whose parents can afford private Christian schools.

We need you to use your power as Prime Minister of Australia to STOP gender ideology being propagated, funded and pushed through our schools.

It’s a long march, but we will be there to support you.

[Your Name]

We support you, we want Safe Schools gone!

Dear Hon Scott Morrison MP,

Thank you for speaking against Victoria’s ‘Building Respectful Relationships’ and again for your comments on “gender whisperers” across schools in NSW.

Given the political climate, these comments would have taken great courage, and I thank you.

I am writing to urge you to take the matter further.

School must be safe for all Australian children, not just those whose parents can afford private Christian schools.

We need you to use your power as Prime Minister of Australia to STOP gender ideology being propagated, funded and pushed through our schools.

It’s a long march, but we will be there to support you.

[Your Name]