Death Doctor Strikes in Jewish Nursing Home. She Must be Disciplined!

Petition to: British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons


Death Doctor Strikes in Jewish Nursing Home. She Must be Disciplined!

Death Doctor Strikes in Jewish Nursing Home. She Must be Disciplined!

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UPDATE: May 24th, 2018

After several months, we have finally received responses back from the BC College of Physicians, as well as from the BC Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health has decided to steer clear of the controversy and allow the College to resolve the dispute internally. The College has not provided any timeline, and has indicated that their findings will kept secret. Considering this is such a weighty matter, which concerns the violation of fundamental human rights and religious freedoms in BC, these responses are totally unacceptable. The BC government cannot merely  "pass the buck". In addition, the College of Physicians has a duty to inform all of the residents of the Louis Brier Home, as well as any and all Jewish people across this country, of their findings. This impacts them all!

While most doctors today refuse to make house calls, Dr. Ellen Wiebe makes an exception for her practice of death. Last June, Dr. Wiebe “paid a visit” to the Louis Brier Home – an Orthodox Jewish long-term care facility in Vancouver, British Columbia. There in secret, at night, she ended the life of one elderly Jewish man.

Link to the article: Jewish Care Home accuses euthanasia doctor of sneaking in and killing a resident.

Dr. Wiebe knew the nursing home was Jewish. She knew that euthanasia was forbidden by the home. Yet she still proceeded to take her victim’s life. Then, when others in the home were shocked and traumatized by her deed, Dr. Wiebe remained unapologetic. She later stated, “I did not do anything unprofessional.”

Dr. Wiebe is a death doctor who specializes in both abortion and euthanasia – taking lives at both ends of the age spectrum. She has evidently seared her conscience to the gruesome reality of her “profession”. She has not only taken yet another life, but has ravaged the peace and safety of an entire Jewish community! 

According to the Louis Brier Home’s web site, “We’re the only long-term care residence in Vancouver providing traditional Jewish celebrations and cultural activities, kosher food and professional care rooted in the values of Judaism.” Louis Brier is a refuge for elderly Jewish people. At the Louis Brier home, “you will find exceptional care in a warm, cozy and inviting place.” 

But all that changed when Dr. Wiebe came a-calling! 

David Keselman, the CEO of the Louis Brier Home, gave this response to Dr. Wiebe’s heinous act: “We have a lot of Holocaust survivors. To have a doctor sneak in and kill someone without telling anyone. They’re going to feel like they’re at risk when you learn someone was sneaking in and killing someone.”

The Jewish holocaust of the 1940s traces its roots, in part, to the German euthanasia program. This program first targeted severely disabled infants, but eventually encompassed all people deemed physically or mentally “unfit”. With the public acceptance of euthanasia, it was not long before those deemed “racially unfit” would be murdered as well.

It was a slippery slope in Germany. Could it happen again in Canada? 

The Louis Brier Home has now filed a formal complaint with the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons against Dr. Wiebe. They accuse Dr. Wiebe of misconduct for going against the policies and principles of their Jewish Home. 

Euthanasia, or so-called “medical aid in dying” (MAID), has been legal in Canada just over one year. Prior to June 17, 2016, Dr. Wiebe’s act would be deemed homicide, punishable by a lengthy prison sentence!

In support of the Louis Brier Home, its staff, and all its Jewish residents, we must publicly decry the actions of Dr. Wiebe. We call on both the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons and the BC Minister of Health to take immediate action to reprimand and discipline Dr. Wiebe. Not only do we denounce her murderous practice, but we are outraged by her flagrant disrespect of the policies, beliefs, and sensitivities of the Jewish community at the Louis Brier Home.

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Petition to: British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons

I am writing to you in support of the Louis Brier Home, its staff, and all its Jewish residents. The Louis Brier Home has brought a complaint before the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons regarding the actions of Dr. Ellen Wiebe on June 29, 2017. She took the life of an elderly Jewish resident against the policy and beliefs of this Orthodox Jewish facility. Her actions are repugnant. She has created shock and trauma in this long-term care facility. Many residents are holocaust survivors, whose peace and safety have now been compromised. I am asking you to take immediate action to reprimand and discipline Dr. Wiebe. I am outraged over her flagrant disrespect of the policies, beliefs, and sensitivities of the Jewish community at the Louis Brier Home.

[Your Name]

Petition to: British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons

I am writing to you in support of the Louis Brier Home, its staff, and all its Jewish residents. The Louis Brier Home has brought a complaint before the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons regarding the actions of Dr. Ellen Wiebe on June 29, 2017. She took the life of an elderly Jewish resident against the policy and beliefs of this Orthodox Jewish facility. Her actions are repugnant. She has created shock and trauma in this long-term care facility. Many residents are holocaust survivors, whose peace and safety have now been compromised. I am asking you to take immediate action to reprimand and discipline Dr. Wiebe. I am outraged over her flagrant disrespect of the policies, beliefs, and sensitivities of the Jewish community at the Louis Brier Home.

[Your Name]