A Letter of Hope to Aurelia

Petition to: Aurelia


A Letter of Hope to Aurelia


A Letter of Hope to Aurelia

12,061 have signed.

UPDATE: It is with sadness that we report that Aurelia committed suicide under the guise of "assisted death" on Friday, January 26th. You can find more details on the EPCC blog: http://alexschadenberg.blogspot.ca/search/label/Aurelia%20Brouwers

A 29-year-old Dutch woman named Aurelia is scheduled to die by assisted suicide on January 26 based on her "untreatable" psychological pain. Aurelia struggles with borderline personality disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, addiction, severe anxiety, auditory hallucinations, and depression and has been living with suicidal thoughts for many years. We read Aurelia's story in a Dutch newspaper on January 14. (Link to her story) (Link to our story)

We want Aurelia to live.

This is a letter of hope to Aurelia, encouraging her to live and to provide hope to others with similar struggles.

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12,061 have signed.

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Petition to: Aurelia

Dear Aurelia,

Since we first read your story in a Dutch newspaper, our hearts are broken over the prospect of your death by assisted suicide.

We have received many stories from people who have lived through similar psychological pain. These people told us of their experience with suicidal thoughts and how they, like you, wanted to die. Their stories didn’t end there; they became stories of hope, they lived through their pain and found new purpose in life.

Each of these stories is unique and yet similar to yours. Many people have experienced similar pain and struggles and yet life can change and happiness is possible.

We want you to have hope. We want you to live.

The newspaper article states that your mental struggles resulted in hospitalization for a period of time and later, time spent in prison. We understand your feeling of being abandoned. We will not abandon you.

Everyone who has signed this letter wants you to know that they care about you. They also want you to know that your death may shatter the hope of many others who suffer like you. 

At this moment you may feel that you have nothing to live for. In the article, it says you attempted suicide more than twenty times. Every time someone stopped you from taking your life, they did it because they cared.

Courage fights and doesn’t give up. Music is still beautiful even if you cannot hear it. We play for you a tune: one of meaning, healing and hope for the future. Your life is worth living.

We, the undersigned, ask you, Aurelia, to choose life. The courage to make this decision will be a powerful sign to others of hope for a brighter future.

[Your Name]

Petition to: Aurelia

Dear Aurelia,

Since we first read your story in a Dutch newspaper, our hearts are broken over the prospect of your death by assisted suicide.

We have received many stories from people who have lived through similar psychological pain. These people told us of their experience with suicidal thoughts and how they, like you, wanted to die. Their stories didn’t end there; they became stories of hope, they lived through their pain and found new purpose in life.

Each of these stories is unique and yet similar to yours. Many people have experienced similar pain and struggles and yet life can change and happiness is possible.

We want you to have hope. We want you to live.

The newspaper article states that your mental struggles resulted in hospitalization for a period of time and later, time spent in prison. We understand your feeling of being abandoned. We will not abandon you.

Everyone who has signed this letter wants you to know that they care about you. They also want you to know that your death may shatter the hope of many others who suffer like you. 

At this moment you may feel that you have nothing to live for. In the article, it says you attempted suicide more than twenty times. Every time someone stopped you from taking your life, they did it because they cared.

Courage fights and doesn’t give up. Music is still beautiful even if you cannot hear it. We play for you a tune: one of meaning, healing and hope for the future. Your life is worth living.

We, the undersigned, ask you, Aurelia, to choose life. The courage to make this decision will be a powerful sign to others of hope for a brighter future.

[Your Name]