"Rafiki" lesbian film infringes on family values



"Rafiki" lesbian film infringes on family values

"Rafiki" lesbian film infringes on family values

4,368 have signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Recently, a Kenyan court lifted the ban on the controversial film christened "Rafiki" swahili for a friend. The Film had been banned the Kenyan Film Classification Board as it infringed on Kenyan film laws as well as family laws.

The Film's content glorifies homosexuality by featuring two lesbians actresses who kiss and flaunt their "love" for each other. While there is so much for film makers to write about in Kenya, the producer chose the topic of homosexuality .

Initially the producer of this lesbian movie was to edit out the homosexual content before it being launched as the film could be accessible to children .  In defiance , the film was launched even when over 98% of Kenyan population do not support the behaviour according to Ipsos survey in 2014.

The Kenyan religious community and parents  have come out to oppose the lifting of the ban and are demanding that the film be banned completely from Kenyan media.

This petition seeks to ask the Chief Justice of Kenya to continue banning the Rafiki Film until the producers edit out anti-family content in the film.

4,368 have signed. Let's get to 5,000!

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My SignIt

Rafiki film has angered many parents, church and faith groupsas it promotes homosexuality. We request that the film be banned completely from airing on any screen regardless of who is watching. Such vices can be passed on to others and it is not appropriate to have this film being watched and promoted.

Kindly act as soon as possible.

[Your Name]

My SignIt

Rafiki film has angered many parents, church and faith groupsas it promotes homosexuality. We request that the film be banned completely from airing on any screen regardless of who is watching. Such vices can be passed on to others and it is not appropriate to have this film being watched and promoted.

Kindly act as soon as possible.

[Your Name]