Tell Theresa May to stop attack on the African Natural Family

Stop Neocolonialism!


Tell Theresa May to stop attack on the African Natural Family

Tell Theresa May to stop attack on the African Natural Family

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All African countries gained their independence from their colonial masters centuries ago. While this is the case, this has not stopped neo-colonialists like Theresa May from dictating what she thinks is best for Africa. She has joined counterparts like the French President, Canadian Prime Minister, and Prince William of UK, who have spent most of their public speeches lecturing Africa on how to kill their babies and "control their population."

Every day Africans have to cope with new demands from these neo-colonialists who ignorantly know what is best for Africa. Canada has "generously" donated millions to Africa sponsoring massive murder of babies in the name of abortion. Now Theresa May thinks she knows what is best for the African culture.

During the Commonwealth Heads of Meetings in London this week, the Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Theresa May, called on Africans to amend their family laws. Most African laws reiterate Africa's cultrue on marriage between a man and a woman. 

Theresa May and her counterparts need to stop this mentality, that they can dictate to Africans how to kill their own children and erode their own values to give way to what they term "as civilisation"

Sign this petition to ask Theresa May to repect Africa's sovereignity, values and culture.


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Dear Theresa May,

During the Commonwealth Heads Meeting in London, you urged Africans to amend laws that protect one man, one woman marriages in Africa. You also seemed to mistakenly take credit for the current laws. For your information, the laws that are present are reflective of Africans' values and culture. Having the sovereignity and independence to amend such laws, African states know what is best for them. For example, Kenya has made her own new constitution which still supports the natural family.

We hereby ask you to stop neo-colonialism by dictating what you think is best or not for Africa; Africa can decide for herself!

Kindly respect African culture and values.

[Your Name]


Dear Theresa May,

During the Commonwealth Heads Meeting in London, you urged Africans to amend laws that protect one man, one woman marriages in Africa. You also seemed to mistakenly take credit for the current laws. For your information, the laws that are present are reflective of Africans' values and culture. Having the sovereignity and independence to amend such laws, African states know what is best for them. For example, Kenya has made her own new constitution which still supports the natural family.

We hereby ask you to stop neo-colonialism by dictating what you think is best or not for Africa; Africa can decide for herself!

Kindly respect African culture and values.

[Your Name]