Le monde doit reconnaître le génocide des chrétiens

Non au génocide des Chrétiens


Le monde doit reconnaître le génocide des chrétiens

Le monde doit reconnaître le génocide des chrétiens

25.111 signé. Atteignons 50.000!

Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. Christians are imprisoned, tortured and even killed.

All this just for their faith.

Each month, on average, there are 255 killings, 104 kidnappings, 180 women raped or harassed, 66 churches attacked and 160 incarcerations without trial , according to the organization Open Doors **.

Last year, 3,066 Christians were massacred, 1,252 were kidnapped, 1,020 women were raped and 793 churches were attacked . A large part of them were children and young people, a privileged target of Islamists to scare the population ***. The regions of Africa, Asia and the Middle East are those where they are the most punished.

What can we do for them?

International institutions ignore the current situation of hundreds of millions of people threatened with extermination because of their religious beliefs. It is essential to ensure that organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union formally recognize that Christians have been systematically persecuted in the world for years.

That is why we ask Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on Religious Freedom at the UN, and Ján Figel, Special Envoy for the Promotion of Religious Freedom outside the European Union, to officially recognize as genocide the religious persecution perpetrated against Christians because of their religion.

We will have the opportunity to meet Ahmed Shaheed in Geneva and Ján Figel in Bratislava: on these two occasions, we will show them the signatures collected during this campaign and ask them to admit the existence of a genocide against Christians.



* http://www.lastampa.it/2018/01/12/vaticaninsider/christian-persecution-is-growing-million-worldwide-qL2EuMOR8fxeAV0luroCbK/pagina.html

** https://www.opendoorsusa.org/christian-persecution/

*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians_by_ISIL

25.111 signé. Atteignons 50.000!

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Reconnaissons le génocide des chrétiens

For the attention of Mr. Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on Religious Freedom at the UN and Mr. Ján Figel, Special Envoy for the Promotion of Religious Freedom outside the EU:

Thousands of people are murdered, tortured and raped each year in the world solely for their Christian faith. They are largely children and young people, privileged targets of terrorists like Daesh to frighten the population.

In the past two years, the greatest persecution of Christians ever since has been recorded and the human rights of millions of people are being violated because of their religion.

I ask you to consider the recognition of the Christian genocide so that the world opens its eyes to this fact, often silenced.

You can ask the United Nations and the European Union to have adequate mechanisms to protect the persecuted Christian communities around the world.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Reconnaissons le génocide des chrétiens

For the attention of Mr. Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on Religious Freedom at the UN and Mr. Ján Figel, Special Envoy for the Promotion of Religious Freedom outside the EU:

Thousands of people are murdered, tortured and raped each year in the world solely for their Christian faith. They are largely children and young people, privileged targets of terrorists like Daesh to frighten the population.

In the past two years, the greatest persecution of Christians ever since has been recorded and the human rights of millions of people are being violated because of their religion.

I ask you to consider the recognition of the Christian genocide so that the world opens its eyes to this fact, often silenced.

You can ask the United Nations and the European Union to have adequate mechanisms to protect the persecuted Christian communities around the world.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

[Your Name]