End Christian Persecution in Nigeria demand #FreedomForSharibu



End Christian Persecution in Nigeria demand #FreedomForSharibu

End Christian Persecution in Nigeria demand #FreedomForSharibu

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Thousands of Christians have been killed or abducted by Boko Haram, the militant Islamist group who claim to have established a ‘caliphate’ (Islamic state) in northern Nigeria. On a devastating scale also, Christians are also the target of Hausa-Fulani Muslim herdsmen, who have destroyed hundreds of churches and killed thousands of Christians. Twelve of the northern states have adopted Sharia law, and Christians are frequently discriminated against in this region, with Christian villages often lacking clean water and health clinics, and Christians being denied access to secondary school and higher education.

In March this year, Boko Haram abducted 105 girls in Dapchi whom they asked to convert to Islam. 

Out of the abducted girls, schoolgirl Leah Sharibu refused to renounce her faith despite persuasion by the rest of her abducted school friends. Boko Haram thus refused to release her while releasing the rest. The only Christian girl among the Dapchi schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram could have been freed along with her schoolmates but refused to renounce her faith, according to her mother. Leah Sharibu refused to accept Islam, resisting the pressure from her classmates to pretend to do so, her parents learned from a conversation with her friends.

Leah asked her friends to tell her parents to pray for her, they said. Her mother could not find out anything else about how her daughter was, as the army then ordered all of the released girls to report to the hospital.

"Boko Haram did not release my daughter because the young woman refused to abandon her faith to embrace the Muslim religion," said the mother of Sharibu.

The president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, pointed out on Twitter the following:

"It is disheartening that one of the girls, Leah Sharibu, remains in captivity ... We will do everything in our power to recover Leah safely ... It will not be abandoned." Up to date, there is no news about the young heroine or updates on efforts being made to rescue her. This is very heart wrenching, especially for her mother.

Besides Leah Sharibu, thousands are being massacred and kidnapped by Boko Haram and the Fulani Herdsmen due to their faith. No Christian should suffer persecution, discrimination or death for the simple act of professing the Christian faith.

It is time to stop this kind of Christian massacre! It is enough to kill thousands just because they profess Christ! Please stop it.

Leah Sharibu Petition Delivery




Report on Nigerian Freedom of Religion from Canadian MP David Anderson: http://www.davidanderson.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018-05-28-Religious-Free...

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Freedom for Leah Sharibu

The Boko Haram terrorist group released 100 girls in March but did not release young Sharibu because of her faith. She refused to denounce her faith when asked to do so by the terrorist group, resulting in her detention. It is saddening that she is still in the hands of the terrorists months later.

Thousands of Christians have died in the course of their faith due to the same group.

No Christian should suffer persecution, discrimination or death for the simple act of professing the Christian faith. I join their sorrow for the lost souls of the unreasonable Boko Haram.

I also ask you, president Buhari, to take decisive action and end this kind of persecution against innocent Nigerian Christians and help release Sharibu.

[Your Name]

Freedom for Leah Sharibu

The Boko Haram terrorist group released 100 girls in March but did not release young Sharibu because of her faith. She refused to denounce her faith when asked to do so by the terrorist group, resulting in her detention. It is saddening that she is still in the hands of the terrorists months later.

Thousands of Christians have died in the course of their faith due to the same group.

No Christian should suffer persecution, discrimination or death for the simple act of professing the Christian faith. I join their sorrow for the lost souls of the unreasonable Boko Haram.

I also ask you, president Buhari, to take decisive action and end this kind of persecution against innocent Nigerian Christians and help release Sharibu.

[Your Name]