Appeal for an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella in Europe

Appeal for an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella in Europe


Appeal for an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella in Europe

Appeal for an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella in Europe

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We are appealing to the pharmaceutical company MSD Vaccins – the Marketing Authorisation Holder in the European Union of the M-M-RvaxPro vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella – for an alternative ethical vaccine. In the M-M-RvaxPro vaccine, the source of rubella virus [strain Wistar RA 27/3] and cell line used [WI-38] were human aborted fetuses. There is no ethical alternative for this vaccine in Europe, and parents who want to vaccinate their children against measles, mumps and rubella may have a conscientious objection to this vaccine.

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Appeal for an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella in Europe


Cyril Schiever, President
MSD Vaccins
162 avenue Jean Jaurès
69007 Lyon

Dear President Schiever,

In the public interest, we are appealing to you as the President of MSD Vaccins – the Marketing Authorisation Holder of the M-M-RvaxPro vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella. The M-M-RvaxPro vaccine is produced using the WI-38 cell line, derived in the 1960s from the lung tissue of a child who lost their life as a result of an abortion. We are appealing to MSD Vaccins to start to produce an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella, which will be an alternative to M-M-RvaxPro.

At the moment, there is no ethical alternative to the M-M-RvaxPro in Europe. Therefore, parents are forced to use it if they chose to immunize their children, which raises a conscientious objection for many. The World Health Organization and the European Union’s approval of using human cell culture, derived from the tissues of aborted children, is disgraceful and requires disapproval and strong condemnation.

In M-M-RvaxPro’s Summary of Product Characteristics, as well as in M-M-RvaxPro’s Patient Information Leaflet (published on, it is not clear that the source of the rubella virus [Wistar RA 27/3 strain] and WI-38 lung fibroplasts were human aborted fetuses. In both documents, there is a hidden sentence: "Rubella virus, produced in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, Wistar RA 27/3 strain [live attenuated]." For parents, this is difficult to understand, and some parents feel deceived and are rightly outraged.

Every human being has the inalienable dignity of the human person from conception until natural death. Every human being has a natural and inalienable right to life. Abortion is the deliberate and direct killing of a human being in the initial phase of his or her existence. If abortion is the taking of the life of an innocent and defenseless human person, then this act is always and everywhere morally wrong.

Despite this, during a pandemic of rubella in the USA in the 1960s, some doctors recommended abortion to pregnant women who had been in contact with the disease. Tissues collected from the aborted children's bodies were examined for the presence of the rubella virus. The virus was then used in the production of a vaccine against rubella, which has been clinically named: RA273, where R – denotes rubella; A – abortion; 27 – twenty-seventh fetus; 3 – third tissue explant. The virus was then cultured on the cellular line WI-38 [in USA] and MRC-5 [in UK].

The WI-38 cell line is derived from human lung tissue taken from about a three-month-old female fetus, who was aborted because her parents supposedly "felt that they had too many children." The MRC-5 cell line is derived from human lung tissue taken from a fourteen-week-old male fetus aborted for "psychiatric reasons." Both the lines are "expressis verbis” cells of these children, continuously grown in laboratory conditions "in vitro” culture.

Meanwhile, the rubella virus can be isolated from the smear of the throat of a child with clinical signs of rubella. It can then be cultivated on the line of stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood or the bone marrow of an adult person. We want MSD Vaccins to use modern, ethical technology. We are looking forward to having an ethical vaccine available in Europe for measles, mumps and rubella.

[Your Name]

Appeal for an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella in Europe


Cyril Schiever, President
MSD Vaccins
162 avenue Jean Jaurès
69007 Lyon

Dear President Schiever,

In the public interest, we are appealing to you as the President of MSD Vaccins – the Marketing Authorisation Holder of the M-M-RvaxPro vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella. The M-M-RvaxPro vaccine is produced using the WI-38 cell line, derived in the 1960s from the lung tissue of a child who lost their life as a result of an abortion. We are appealing to MSD Vaccins to start to produce an ethical vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella, which will be an alternative to M-M-RvaxPro.

At the moment, there is no ethical alternative to the M-M-RvaxPro in Europe. Therefore, parents are forced to use it if they chose to immunize their children, which raises a conscientious objection for many. The World Health Organization and the European Union’s approval of using human cell culture, derived from the tissues of aborted children, is disgraceful and requires disapproval and strong condemnation.

In M-M-RvaxPro’s Summary of Product Characteristics, as well as in M-M-RvaxPro’s Patient Information Leaflet (published on, it is not clear that the source of the rubella virus [Wistar RA 27/3 strain] and WI-38 lung fibroplasts were human aborted fetuses. In both documents, there is a hidden sentence: "Rubella virus, produced in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, Wistar RA 27/3 strain [live attenuated]." For parents, this is difficult to understand, and some parents feel deceived and are rightly outraged.

Every human being has the inalienable dignity of the human person from conception until natural death. Every human being has a natural and inalienable right to life. Abortion is the deliberate and direct killing of a human being in the initial phase of his or her existence. If abortion is the taking of the life of an innocent and defenseless human person, then this act is always and everywhere morally wrong.

Despite this, during a pandemic of rubella in the USA in the 1960s, some doctors recommended abortion to pregnant women who had been in contact with the disease. Tissues collected from the aborted children's bodies were examined for the presence of the rubella virus. The virus was then used in the production of a vaccine against rubella, which has been clinically named: RA273, where R – denotes rubella; A – abortion; 27 – twenty-seventh fetus; 3 – third tissue explant. The virus was then cultured on the cellular line WI-38 [in USA] and MRC-5 [in UK].

The WI-38 cell line is derived from human lung tissue taken from about a three-month-old female fetus, who was aborted because her parents supposedly "felt that they had too many children." The MRC-5 cell line is derived from human lung tissue taken from a fourteen-week-old male fetus aborted for "psychiatric reasons." Both the lines are "expressis verbis” cells of these children, continuously grown in laboratory conditions "in vitro” culture.

Meanwhile, the rubella virus can be isolated from the smear of the throat of a child with clinical signs of rubella. It can then be cultivated on the line of stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood or the bone marrow of an adult person. We want MSD Vaccins to use modern, ethical technology. We are looking forward to having an ethical vaccine available in Europe for measles, mumps and rubella.

[Your Name]