Frequently Asked Questions about Petitions. (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions about Petitions. (FAQ)

Who can create a petition?

Anybody can. No matter who. The Create a Petition tool is free and open to everybody.

How do I create a petition?

It is very simple. You only need to fill in the Form designed for the purpose in:

What is the cost of using the tools and means offered by CitizenGO to create and spread a petition?

Zero cost. We have done this because we want to help you making yourself be heard.

Being free, how does it get financed?

CitizenGO is supported exclusively by the voluntary financial contribution of associates and donors (donations).

What requirements do I have to meet to create a petition?

None in particular... You will have to identify yourself/register as a new member. It goes without saying that no illegal, immoral or stuff contrary to our idearium will be considered. We may delete any petition that might have been published not complying with these simple norms, and we may, if necessary, consider legal action against the publishers if needed.

How do I know that my petition has been created and published correctly?

An email will be sent to you acknowledging the publication of your petition. A link to your petition will be attached to the email..

Also, once you are logged in in our Web, by placing your mouse cursor over your avatar (at the right top of the screen) a list with several items will be displayed. Clicking on “my petitions” you will be redirected to a page where you will see all the petitions you have made.

Can I make an anonymous petition?

No. You have to provide your real personal data.

Can I initiate a petition asking the president of my neighbourhood to widen our community pool opening timetable?

As it has been stated above the only petitions that are not admitted are the ones of an immoral or illegal nature or contrary to our idearium [LINK]. Other than that no limit or condition is established on the content of the petitions. However, Create a petition is not conceived for petitions as the one described in the question above and should you pursue that it will probably have little if any impact.

I don’t know about the correct addressee for my petition or his email address… can I still put my petition across ?

Certainly you can, but if you do not choose an adequate addressee this petition will probably have no success. Remember you can download a list of people that have signed your petition so that you can hand it in personally in your addressee's office.

How do I know how many people have supported/signed my petition?

Once your petition has been created you will be able to visualise a thermometer on the left hand side of the page where it has been published. This will indicate exactly (a number appears below the thermometer) how many people have signed your petition.

Is there any way in which I may get in contact with the people who have supported/signed my petition?

If you are an individual, not directly. We are not authorized to give away the signers contact details (email). You can spread out your petition and let it be known to others in the Social Media. However, if you have created the petition as an organization, you will have access to the personal data (including email) of the people who signed your petition and authorized us to share their data (by leaving the privacy check-box clicked).

If my petition progresses... if the addressee attends to it, how will I get to know?

Well, being a public petition, the reaction to it will most possibly be public too...

We will however spread the results... and an email will be sent to everybody who has signed your petition, letting them know about its success and that their support has managed to get things changed.

If my petition fails... if the addressee does not attend to it, what other steps can I take?

You may edit and improve your petition. You may want to add additional information... news, the addressee's email if you had not included it in your previous petition...

You may even go further and act and promote offline action (campaigns using telephone calls, tell your story to the press, etc.) that may reinforce and help your petition. We will abound on this further in a second phase of  Create a Petition.). 


Handbook (suggestions) to Create a Petition | Step-by-Step Guide to Crate a Petition| A Step-by-Step Guide to Spread a Petition