Africa doesn't need Abortions and Comprehensive Sexuality Education #UNCSW62

Petition to: United Nations


Africa doesn't need Abortions and Comprehensive Sexuality Education #UNCSW62

Africa doesn't need Abortions and Comprehensive Sexuality Education #UNCSW62

195,284 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

Sign our petition to stop the United Nations from imposing to Africa abortions and a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum designed in the United States of America which  teaches 3-year-old girls how to masturbate and to explore their sexuality.

The agenda for the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations has the International Planned Parenthood Foundation and other abortion advocates excited as United Nations is turning their full attention towards promoting abortion and comprehensive sexuality education to girls.

United Nations member states will send delegates from their capital to represent them at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from March 12th to the 23rd. When they arrive, they will be greeted by the full weight of the United Nations system -- 80,000 career bureaucrats -- which will lead negotiation to discuss how billions of development aid dollars are spent globally to help women and girls.

Finding solutions to eradicate poverty and hunger, improve health and education, and produce clean water are among the most vital needs of women and girls in less fortunate nations, yet they remain among the least of United Nations priorities.

Instead of meeting these basic needs, the first draft of the report demands that all nations agree to destructive items:

  • free access to abortion for all women and girls;
  • abortion as a fundamental human right;
  • unlimited access to condoms and other methods of birth control; and
  • comprehensive sexuality education to girls as young as those who fit into the age bracket of 0-4 years of age.

Without your help, we are unable to stop this harmful agenda.

Pro-life campaigners from CitizenGO will attend the 62nd session of the Commission on the Status of Women to participate in the negotiations.

We need an army of pro-lifers to sign this petition so we can use it as a negotiating tool.

After you sign the petition, we will put your country's UN delegation on notice. We will immediately send an email on your behalf demanding they call for the deletion of all references to the harmful agenda that supports abortion, free access to birth control, and comprehensive sexuality education in the above-linked report.

Instead, we will demand that they promote real solutions for women and girls: nutrition, clean water, healthcare, and education.

Take a moment to sign the petition now so we can be your voice for life.

More information on the comprehensive sexuality education curriculum mentioned above. The United Nations uses the World Health Organization curriculum guidelines to promote comprehensive sexuality education.

The following is an excerpt from the curriculum found directly on the World Health Organization website…

“Toddlers: 2 and 3 years old (curious/exploring their bodies) - Toddlers are becoming aware of themselves and their bodies. They also learn that they look different from other children and adults (they develop their identity). - Toddlers learn that they are boys or girls (they develop their gender identity). - Toddlers become very interested in their own bodies and those of people around them. Often they study their own bodies and genitalia in detail and also show them to other children and adults. - Toddlers start deliberately touching their genitals because it makes them feel good”

You are welcome to keep reading here:

More information on the Commission of the Status of Women report:

Abortion is specifically mentioned on 4 occasions in the report. You can find it mentioned in paragraphs 7, 10, m, and z. Comprehensive sexuality education is mentioned in paragraph y.

You are welcome to read the report here:

This petition has been created by a citizen or association not affiliated with CitizenGO. CitizenGO is not responsible for its contents.
195,284 have signed. Let's get to 200,000!

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Delete Sexual and Reproductive Health Term from CSW 62 Report

Abortion and comprehensive sexuality education are controversial topics among most United Nations member states and are not agreed upon conclusions. Including such language in international documents is culturally insensitive and impedes on the local sovereignty of United Nations member states.

To better help women and girls in Africa, please remove any mention of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Comprehensive Sexuality Education from the final report generated at CSW 62. Instead, spend more time focusing initiatives that promote clean water, eradicating hunger and poverty, maternal health, and abstinence.

Women and girls in all countries will thank you!

[Your Name]

Delete Sexual and Reproductive Health Term from CSW 62 Report

Abortion and comprehensive sexuality education are controversial topics among most United Nations member states and are not agreed upon conclusions. Including such language in international documents is culturally insensitive and impedes on the local sovereignty of United Nations member states.

To better help women and girls in Africa, please remove any mention of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Comprehensive Sexuality Education from the final report generated at CSW 62. Instead, spend more time focusing initiatives that promote clean water, eradicating hunger and poverty, maternal health, and abstinence.

Women and girls in all countries will thank you!

[Your Name]