CitizenGO Africa

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CitizenGO Africa  

Thousands of Christians have been killed or abducted by Boko Haram, the militant Islamist group who claim to have established a ‘caliphate’ (Islamic state) in northern Nigeria. On a devastating scale also, Christians are also the target of Hausa-Fulani Muslim herdsmen, who have destroyed hundreds of churches and killed thousands of Christians.

Recently, a Kenyan court lifted the ban on the controversial film christened "Rafiki" swahili for a friend. The Film had been banned the Kenyan Film Classification Board as it infringed on Kenyan film laws as well as family laws.

Important update: We will deliver your signatures to the British Embassy in Kenya and to Theresa May's office in London on the 4th of October 2018 asking Theresa May to keep her abortion money.

Duizenden christenen zijn gedood of ontvoerd door Boko Haram, de militante islamistische groepering die claimt een 'kalifaat' te hebben gesticht in het noorden van Nigeria.

Op een enorme schaal zijn christenen daarnaast het doelwit van islamitische nomaden, die honderden kerken hebben vernietigd en duizenden christenen hebben gedood.

Two months ago, 192,604 active citizens challenged the Trump Administration to withdraw U.S. taxpayer dollars to the United Nations for development aid that promoted abortion, comprehensive sex education, or other harmful sexual practices.

Thousands of Christians have been killed or abducted by Boko Haram, the militant Islamist group who claim to have established a ‘caliphate’ (Islamic state) in northern Nigeria. On a devastating scale also, Christians are also the target of Hausa-Fulani Muslim herdsmen, who have destroyed hundreds of churches and killed thousands of Christians.

Many people have complained about this media house. With it's headquarters in Washington DC , it claims to redistribute news from over 140 African newslets. The concern is what kind of news it redistributes!

Torrential rains have uprooted hundreds of thousands of people across East Africa in recent weeks, offsetting a humanitarian disaster that is threatening the lives of entire communities.

Kenya has been a great target by LGBT activists and cultural imperialists for quite a while now. The president of Kenya ,Uhuru Kenyatta has though stood on his ground severally and rejected this kind of attack on the family. Recently in London, he told the very liberal CNN that Kenyans and Kenya's culture as a whole doesn't allow some of these western behaviours.

 LATEST UPDATE: On November 6th in the afternoon, Nigeria will have its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the United Nations, a process through which all members examine each other's human rights situation in each country. Thus, each State can explain the measures it takes to improve the situation and fulfill its obligations.

UPDATE (18/04): After having their High Court appeal rejected on Monday (16/04), Alfie's father, Tom Evans, went to Italy to plead directly with the Pope. Alfie's parents are holding out hope for direction intervention from the Holy See.

All African countries gained their independence from their colonial masters centuries ago. While this is the case, this has not stopped neo-colonialists like Theresa May from dictating what she thinks is best for Africa.

Sign this petition to ask the Heads of Governments meeting not to push abortion and homosexuality to Africa.

Recently Kenya has found herself having a very controversial debate about polygamy. The Woman Representative of Kiambu, Gathoni Wa Muchomba has advocated that Christians should start practising polygamy even when it is illegal in the Kenyan law.

Sign our petition to stop the United Nations from imposing to Africa abortions and a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum designed in the United States of America which  teaches 3-year-old girls how to masturbate and to explore their sexuality.

Since January, law enforcement firing live ammunition at parishes, Catholic faithful

While we respect the independence of courts and all other governance bodies, we feel very worried when the same institutions supposed to protect the society are used by a handful of people for their own selfish interests. Judicial activism on matters LGBT is the worst mistake being committed in the Kenyan soil right now.

While we respect the independence of courts and all other governance bodies, we feel very worried when the same institutions supposed to protect the society are used by a handful of people for their own selfish interests. Judicial activism on matters LGBT is the worst mistake being committed in the Kenyan soil right now.

While we respect the independence of courts and all other governance bodies, we feel very worried when the same institutions supposed to protect the society are used by a handful of people for their own selfish interests. Judicial activism on matters LGBT is the worst mistake being committed in the Kenyan soil right now.

While we respect the independence of courts and all other governance bodies, we feel very worried when the same institutions supposed to protect the society are used by a handful of people for their own selfish interests. Judicial activism on matters LGBT is the worst mistake being committed in the Kenyan soil right now.