Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

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Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Euthanasia Prevention Coalition 

Be a part of the growing movement that opposes assisted suicide. Join our petition to California Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Xavier Becerra urging them to protect Californians from assisted suicide and provide patients with the proper medical care.

Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD), also known as euthanasia, was legalized in June, 2016 by Canada’s federal government (Bill C-14). Since then, Health Professionals in Ontario have been required to participate in euthanasia by providing an “effective referral” i.e.

CTV News reported that Roger Foley, who lives with a cerebellar ataxia, a degenerative neurological condition, has launched a lawsuit against the London Health Sciences Centre, the South West LHIN et al, stating that they are offering him assisted death (MAiD) but are not willing to provide him with an assisted life.

Je suis contre l'euthanasie pour les enfants!

Canada legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide (known as MAiD - so-called medical assistance in dying) on June 17, 2016. The law requires persons to be at least 18 years old and have a condition where “natural death is reasonably foreseeable.”

The recent edict by Fraser Health Authority in British Columbia ordering (non-religious) healthcare facilities, including hospices, to participate in euthanasia (MAiD – so-called “medical assistance in dying”) is an infringement on the conscience rights of medical staff.

Een 29-jarige Nederlandse vrouw genaamd Aurelia (in de media Sarah of Sara) zal volgens plan op 26 januari aanstaande rond 14.00 uur geëuthanaseerd worden op grond van haar 'onbehandelbare' psychologische pijn. Aurelia worstelt met borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis, post-traumatische stressstoornis, verslaving, ernstige angsten, auditieve hallucinaties en depressie en leeft al jaren met zelfmoordgedachten. Op 14 januari kwam haar verhaal in het nieuws. (Commentaar (Engels), meer achtergrond.)

Wij willen dat Aurelia blijft leven.

UPDATE: It is with sadness that we report that Aurelia committed suicide under the guise of "assisted death" on Friday, January 26th. You can find more details on the EPCC blog:

As a national media broadcasting corporation, CBC should not produce one-sided propaganda programs on assisted death, making every effort NOT to spread suicide contagion. Instead, they promote euthanasia.

UPDATE 02/13/2017: Breaking news that the House Commitee on Oversight and Government reform has PASSED the resolution to overturn D.C.'s assisted suicide law. This is an important first step toward victory! But the fight isn't over yet.

U.S. Congress has 30 days to act or the “Death with Dignity Act” will become law.

We've known this moment was coming since last year's Supreme Court ruling, demanding that the government take action on assisted suicide. Now a bill has been introduced into Parliament to legalize assisted suicide...

Dear Governor Brown:

I am asking you to protect Californians. I am asking you to veto the assisted suicide bill ABX2-15.

A healthy 24-year-old Belgian woman, known only as "Laura" has been scheduled to die by euthanasia based on her psychological pain. Laura has been living with suicidal thoughts for many years. 

UPDATE: The legislative session ended at midnight on June 25, leaving the assisted suicide bill without a vote. We won! Congratulations on this great success!

Latest UPDATE: We won! Although the bill passed the state Senate last month, the authors concluded that it did not have enough support to pass the Assembly Health Committee and withdrew it from a scheduled hearing. The assisted suicide threat is over for the year....

Le gouvernement du Québec a réintroduit le projet de loi 52 sur l’euthanasie au stade où il était avant les élections de Québec.