

Romania is in crisis. Right now, the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) - at the request of the vigilant President Klaus Iohannis - is beginning the process of reviewing the emergency decrees,...
As a nation, we should be working together to support mothers and celebrate children. Motherhood should be seen as a life advancement, not a career setback. Fortunately, Arizona Republican Governor...
Physician assisted suicide is unnecessary, unethical, and unsafe. In short, allowing physicians to take part in killing their patients fundamentally changes the role of the doctor. A doctor must...
On Saturday, thousands of liberal women gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest President Trump and to celebrate abortion access. President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards spoke about the...
Last October, the Medicines Authority of Malta went against the advice of the Parliament of Malta, to permit the importation and sale of the Morning After Pill (MAP). Parliament had advised that any... is the largest online store in the world, today. And, from its massive selection of various devices and gadgets, one can purchase doormats with the national flag of the Czech Republic,...
This bill has now passed! This is a great victory for human dignity!  Read more: *** Last week, State Senator Patty Pansing...
Abortion is a grave evil that has ended the lives of millions of babies and destroys the lives of many mothers and fathers. In our fight against abortion, we must remember that many people who have...
At the end of last year, Dame Louise Casey released her report “The Casey Review: a review into opportunity and integration.” The report highlighted deep segregation within our society and proposed...
House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan has made news recently for stating that the Republican Congress will follow through on one of its campaign promises: defunding Planned Parenthood. He has...
Last week, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed legislation into law that prohibits abortions in the state of Kentucky after 20 weeks and requires women to receive an ultrasound prior to receiving an...
It's hard to believe that in Norway, a country which talks a lot about tolerance and human rights, some fundamental freedoms, which flow from human dignity, are not respected. Dr Katarzyna...
UPDATE 27 Jan 2017: The UK government has responded to our petition! The Department of Health noted "considerable concern" about "non-compliance related both to practices in the clinics inspected and...
This past Monday, the Filipino President, Rodrigo Duterte, ordered the Government to distribute free contraceptives to the nation's poor. His action seems to be in contradiction to the Temporary...
In November, this country voted for Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States, in large part, because of his promise to appoint a conservative, pro-life Supreme Court Justice to...
Liberal elites believe firmly in their right to disassociate from certain groups of people or conscientiously abstain from attending events they find distasteful –-such as the inauguration of a...
Since the 1990's certain non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have infiltrated into some Romanian schools, with the express purpose of sexualising Romanian school-children. Often done in secret,...
On Monday, 2 January, 2017, armed Kurdish security forces in the provincial capital of Dohuk (northern Iraq, autonomous region of Kurdistan) stormed the offices of the Yazidi relief organization,...
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has issued a public consultation on its policy regarding 'homophobic and transphobic hate crime'. Unfortunately, whatever the intent of this policy, it undermines...
Every household with a television set in the Irish Republic pays a €160 TV Licence fee to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. The vast majority of the TV Licence fee is...
