

The BBC has produced a short programme, aimed at children, all about one child’s “transition” from a boy to a girl. Just a Girl depicts the fictional video diaries of a child who calls himself (or,...
West Palm Beach City Commissioners are planning to ban minors from receiving therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions or gender identity confusion. Their ordinance says minors cannot receive...
“We’re Pro-Choice” – so runs the slogan of the latest ad campaign from the British company, the Carphone Warehouse. They are apparently openly supporting abortion in Ireland – a “medical” procedure...
UPDATE: The World Health Organization has responded to our concerns by clarifying that they will not classify infertility as a "disease." Unfortunately, their response does not address our primary...
Hillary Clinton’s entire campaign is funded by Planned Parenthood, other abortion industry providers, and extreme abortion advocates. The wealth that pushes Planned Parenthood and its desire to kill...
Norway's Health Directorate has just ruled that foreign women, living in Norway, can now avail of so-called "selective reduction" abortions, meaning that they will now be allowed to abort one twin,...
No Freedom of Conscience for Ashers Bakers as Court Rules They Cannot Refuse to make Gay-Cake Northern Ireland baker Ashers Baking Company, have been fighting a legal battle against the Equality...
UPDATE 11/29/16: Terrible news. The legislature approved Bill 28 today by a vote of 79-0. The Conservative leader actually demanded that all of his MPPs either vote for the bill, or absent themselves...
Sophia in ’t Veld, the ALDE (Liberal Democrats) Dutch Member of the European Parliament issued a Legislative report proposing to put in place a political scoreboard for each European Union Member...
UPDATE -- 10/25: As far as we are aware, the major threat has passed and all of the students are safe. To hear more about what happened, you can read an official statement by Mgr Yousif Thomas, the...
Tragically, in the last several weeks, InterVarsity has come under brutal attack for holding biblical standards of sexuality. Earlier this month, InterVarsity, a large evangelical ministry operating...
The debate has been raised in relation to sex-education in Queensland State schools following a new poll conducted for The Courier-Mail. The Courier-Mail poll found that 84 percent of parents polled...
Two companies in California, DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, have been illegally profiting off of the sale of aborted baby body parts. Thankfully, the Orange Country District Attorney’s Office...
Currently, the Internet radio provider called Pandora indiscriminately subjects listeners to graphic, explicit, inappropriate advertising content no matter what kind of music the user is listening to...
We’re all equal. That’s what the law says, isn’t it? Discrimination on the grounds of disability was made illegal 20 years ago when Parliament passed the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. But sadly...
Several developing nations have recently taken steps to ban foreign surrogacy. These bans have led to a boom in foreign surrogacy in Canada. This boom, and the consequences of it, have brought the...
Over the last couple of weeks, it has emerged that a Christian chapel, located in a municipally-serviced cemetery in the City of Pristina, Kosovo, has been allowed - by the city - to be the target of...
The American Medical Association (AMA) has long held that assisted suicide is incompatible with the role of the doctor. However, the AMA is reconsidering that position. In several weeks, on November...
HazteOir—a sister organization to CitizenGO—has awarded a distinguished prize to Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet for his tireless work for the pro-life cause in Cuba. The prize will be presented in Madrid on...
In just a few days, on October 18, the DC Council will vote on whether or not to allow physician assisted suicide. Physician assisted suicide is unnecessary, unethical, and unsafe. In short, allowing...
