Applaud Kenya for standing for the natural family

Kenya Leads in defending the natural family


Applaud Kenya for standing for the natural family

Applaud Kenya for standing for the natural family

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Kenya has been a great target by LGBT activists and cultural imperialists for quite a while now. The president of Kenya ,Uhuru Kenyatta has though stood on his ground severally and rejected this kind of attack on the family. Recently in London, he told the very liberal CNN that Kenyans and Kenya's culture as a whole doesn't allow some of these western behaviours. He also rightly told the host Christine Amanpour that homosexuality is not an issue in the country compared to other pressing issues like developement and growth of Kenya's economy.

In 2014, the president told off the then exporter of LGBT and abortion, president Obama Hussein when he tried to push for homosexuality in a joint press conference in Kenya's state house. Kenya's current presidency has refused to give in to pressure to allow western agenda that is not healthy to the African family.

Through the very supportive Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB), Kenya also banned a premiere lesbian oriented film that was to be aired on Kenyan TV. The film chirstened as 'Rafiki' for friend  has received liberal support and will first air in the very liberal market of LGBT called Cannes. It is no surprise, but the good thing is that the moral corrupting film will not be aired on any Kenyan TV channel. KFCB has been very grounded on defending the Kenyan family and this is the third TV content they are banning in less than a year.

This strong stance by the President of Kenya and the Kenya Film Classification Board has seen both Uhuru Kenyatta and Ezekiel Mutua earn public ridicule from the western liberals. Scathing online attacks have been launched to intimidate these family heroes but they haven't relented.

What does the Kenyan law say about the family?

(1) The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and the necessary basis of social order, and shall enjoy the recognition and protection of the State.

(2) Every adult has the right to marry a person of the opposite sex, based on the free consent of the parties.

(3) Parties to a marriage are entitled to equal rights at the time of the marriage, during the marriage and at the dissolution of the marriage.

(4) Parliament shall enact legislation that recognises—

(a) marriages concluded under any tradition, or system of religious, personal or family law; and

(b) any system of personal and family law under any tradition, or adhered to by persons professing a particular religion, to the extent that any such marriages or systems of law are consistent with this Constitution. 

The Marriage act 2014 was passed by the Kenyan parliament and dictates that marriage is a voluntary union of a man and a woman Sec 3(1)

Kenya has been a ground of activism by foreign influenced NGO's and a handful of gay activists heavily funded by LGBT movements from the United States of America. 

Join us in lauding the President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta and the CEO of Kenya Classification Board for defening the natural family while braving scathing attacks from leftists.

NB: CitizenGO Africa is non-partisan and not affiliated to any political divide in Kenya or elsewhere in the continent.


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Thank you for standing for the family

Dear President Uhuru Kenyatta and Ezekiel Mutua,

I am very proud of you for standing for the natural family. Please know that despite the scathing attacks from the liberal western media, there is a person out here very proud of you for standing tall for the family.

Keep up the good work!

[Your Name]

Thank you for standing for the family

Dear President Uhuru Kenyatta and Ezekiel Mutua,

I am very proud of you for standing for the natural family. Please know that despite the scathing attacks from the liberal western media, there is a person out here very proud of you for standing tall for the family.

Keep up the good work!

[Your Name]